1200 Well That Didnt Work - Just Fitted Decat And Mivv And Its No Better

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Swampdonkey, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Just buy some of those fat duc things and try them out, if they don't work you can sell em on again at very little loss, you can't sell on a fuel map flashed to an ecu.
  2. Yeah I know. Point I'm making is my old Multi, Monsters, 996, ST4 etc all needed a clutch slip at roundabout because at such low revs it is a tad lumpy. But all would hold a steady 25 without feeling like trying to hald a great dane on a leash when he wants to go, ie lurching forward and backwards

    Sounds like dealer needed to me, ie something more than the 'they all do that sir'
  3. Ride by wire Bradders. It doesn't matter how good your throttle control is if the ECU wants to feck about
  4. Just to add my imput, mine is a 2011 PP , brought a Leo vince Decat pipe and use my stubby termi, fitted it and took it to Chris at CJS straight away. On the way to Chris it was no better except the noise. spent the day at CJS with 5-6 Dyno runs. Disabled my flappy thing and lamba sensors and balanced the two pots.
    On the way home ' What a bike ' no jerking at low speed, oodles of power throughout, smooth throttle and the noise is glorious , granted you may need ear plugs but I always ride with them anyway. Wind noise damages your hearing.
    It is a lot of money but you have paid out a lot for your Ducati and £750 all in to have your bike like you want it is not a lot considering how much you paid for your bike to being with.
    It is not a race bike and Ducati will not tune it to be one, they have emission laws to abide by and will manufacture the bike to meet these. If you want ultimate performance you have to be prepared to pay.
    Chris at CJS is a great bloke and knows what he is doing. Take it to him and you'll be delighted.
  5. Does this mean you still have the fat ducs and decat fitted after the remap or were they all removed and remapped as standard. Am thinking of putting cat and standard can back on and having that remapped? Cant afford the Mivv and remap. Am going to ask CJS what they think. What do you think?
  6. Thanks Gweed, I agree about the emissions and tuning by Ducati, my biggest beef with them is they send you out on a twin spark for the test ride and then sell you a 2010-12 bike with all the known issues it has. I also agree that £750 is not a vast amount to pay to have the bike right but it should work properly out of the showroom not need work to make it even ride safely, I dont want it to be a race bike as I would have stayed with the GSX or the Daytona if that was the aim. Just want the thing to ride like it should and all you guys here say it can. Pissed I have to pay more to sort it, I have ploughed all my current spare money into the bike so at present £750 is a bridge too far. (credit card it is then)
  7. Swampdonkey, I never had a test ride on the twin spark so have no comparison . I've had a few twins by other manufactures and all had the jerking around at low speed/revs. I agree with you a bike should be rideable without modification . You will not be disappointed if you go to CJS, money well spent .£750 was including my Decat pipe, Chris was just over £400 depending on how many problems it has.
  8. I still reckon fat ducs and maybe a 14t front Sprocket is worth trying first personally

    You could have that lot for about £100 and they'd still be worth a large part of that 2nd hand

    I appreciate that people who spend £400 on mapping are going to be happy but I've read lots of great reports on more simple fixes as what I've mentioned

    Lumpy fueling isn't a ducati only thing, lots of bikes have it and it stands out more on twins.

    Ktms are no different.

    Yes some bikes are worse than others but it's not unfixable.

    Did you ride twins before? Modern ones since EU emission laws came in to play?
  9. he can do a good job with std stuff but bear in mind the cat has a string baffling and power sucking affect. If you are getting it done, do it properly

    sounds still like an ECU or whatever issue, what does the dealer say?
  10. Leo Vince decat and end can + CJS retune will solve all this at a stroke. I've just been up and down mountain hairpin bends and where I've stupidly managed to go into an uphill in the wrong gear Mutley has chugged through and accelerated cleanly without any lurching,stalling or clutch slip needed. In my view thats a sign of a well fuelled bike.
    Forget FatDucs, Rixxers etc etc. Speak to Chris at CJS Best money you will spend on your Mutley.
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