1200 Does Anyone Have Fatducs To Sell?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Swampdonkey, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Want to try these demons of trickery before I go for the ful remap and empty whats left in my bank account.
  2. i have an set, £75 delivered. pm me if interested.
  3. Make sure these are going on a 2010-2012 model, not the newer twin spark per cylinder engines.
    They don't work on the newer engine.
  4. I have a SC Projects AFM going. Which is compatible with the newer engine but temp gauge will always be wrong. Pm me if interested.
  5. Thanks Vintner, I have sent you a message.
    Sure is one those pesky 2012 pre twin spark models
    Thanks Messes but am going with fatducs for now
  6. I have a set too if no joy.
  7. Thanks for everyones reply, have got a set from Vintner and will see how this goes.
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