1200 Monobloc M4's Anyone Tried Them?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Longwayhome, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. While I have my Multi's front end in bits for new headrace bearings I'm considering some upgrades. Has anyone tried using the Brembo Monobloc calipers?
  2. Got them on my hyper can't fault them
  3. What are the M4 donor bikes? Also that must be a devil of a bleed for the abs system?
  4. I've got a set of m4 monoblocks for sale. Check the classifieds.
  5. Very diffre t on 848 but cant say about multi. Less feel more bite. Tbh I find winding the spam adj right out has a similar effect
  6. I rode my 848 on standard brakes to the dealer after removing he monoblocks. Felt like I was sticking my foot on the tyre compared. Then I tried m50 's.
  7. Donor bikes I know of are 1198, 1098, 848, Diavel, RSV4, MV F4 and there are other European bikes. I think I'd like to try some...
  8. Thanks Andy....some fitting references there that'll come in useful. I recently found a good rear brake solution and so now with d8mok kindly providing the Monoblocs I can test out that arrangement too.

    When done I'm guessing a write up might be forthcoming....and I'll show you all the tooling when you visit.......:D
  9. Look forward to that.............rear brake solution? ;-)
  10. The rear brake solution is in my post that Andy posted.
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  11. they got red letters....danger
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  12. Danger is good. Madness is better. Leaving ABS on with these puppies better still.
  13. I'm looking forward to feeling them :). As I recall MJ, you fixed your brake with the disc. I fixed mine at the master cylinder and ABS unit. That means you could put both mods in.......where did you get your disc?
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  14. Just got me a set cheap :) I am looking forward to getting them on for me trackday haha!!
  15. The M4 calipers are a great upgrade. Well worth the money.
    Fitting a Brembo serie Oro rear disc helps with the back brake, but I was still experiencing the pedal going long on my last trip, even after all the other mods such as heat shield, abs bleed nipple. now got RBF600 fluid as well, and so far so good :)
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  16. LWH, I bought BrakeTech "AXIS" Iron rotors all round. Sensational.
  17. Thought this was worth a copy and paste......

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