1200 Monobloc M4's Anyone Tried Them?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Longwayhome, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Boomer, nice bike but that doesnt count, its got discs ;)

    For real oh-my-f_cking-god moments you need to try something much earlier, like a vintage or veteran bike that only has old school stirup style brakes and skinny tyres. Now that focuses the mind and makes you plan ahead ;)

    Brad, hope you enjoy the new monoblocs :)
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  2. Yeah seen some of them at classic bikes shows, proper scary!

    Mind you the CBX can pick its feet up and move, but very heavy, so not very good at slowing down!!

    Im fancying some monoblocs on the multi now after reading this thread!
  3. are you brad3para?
  4. Yeah I am haha!!
  5. Thems were mine! :)
  6. Nice one geez, there are awesome!!
  7. Even on the back brake...

  8. Well I've had the bike back for 3 days now, and there are awesome best way to benefit though is turn the ABS off as it's chimed in a few times, the bite is awesome and you can feel the difference in the lever aswell a lot firmer on the pull, I'm not saying the originals are crap but if your travelling 2 up etc or fully loaded they make a welcome addition to an already awesome bike, they look the nuts aswell, £65 quid for custom hoses and it was good to go!! If your thinking of doing it I'd say go!!
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  9. Have you setup your suspension correctly? If it's too soft (and as standard it usually is, especially if you're 2 up), you'll bottom out and that instantly fires the ABS.

    The back should be waving in the air long before the front locks.
  10. No gettin it setup on the 2nd sept, maybe you could tell me what I need to wind on till then??
  11. Well, that'll depend on your weight and riding style, but on the assumption that you are bottoming out and tripping the ABS, you could do with more preload on your forks, and maybe a touch of compression damping.
  12. Riding style is slightly aggressive haha!! Im 13 stone 4lbs it's not bottoming out but hard on the brakes it cuts straight in but I'll giv it a bash more compression? Preload stiffens doesn't it I've wound the preload right up till I gt my new spring so I'm guessing it's gonna stiffen the front up I'll jus go up 2 at a time see what happens lol!!
  13. And I mean on the back I've wound the preload up hah!!
  14. ...and if I may be so bold as to offer another tip to the M4 upgrade; lash out and change the rotors too. Brembo 'Oro' Series or BrakeTech. Not cheap I know, but really completes the package.

    Trust me, it's a phenomenonal combo. Don't forget good pads too!
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