1200 New Bike , Termi?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by firecat0_0, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Hi,
    I have just received confirmation of delivery for my MS and need to choose my free accessories quickly so the dealer can fit them prior to delivery.

    I was thinking of putting the £1k against a termi system, it would cost me £580 cash that way but it does not sound like insurance companies would be happy with me fitting a non road legal system and there may be some doubt if there would be a problem in the event of a claim. Has anyone fitted the termi system and informed their insurance company and if so with what result? I will not buy one at full price (too expensive) and don't want to miss out on an opportunity. That said I am struggling to find what other useful accessories to spend the money on. Crash bars, locking fuel cap (not much point having keyless ignition and every time you need to fill up you have to search to find the key for the fuel tank!) pannier liners, fog lights (but the standard lights are brilliant anyway so not sure if they will add anything?).
    Any thoughts suggestions would be appreciated!
  2. I declared my Termi and I pay £300 full comp, 8 years no claims live in Essex and I'm 45, riding for 7 years.
  3. Thanks for sharing, who are you insured with?
    Would you recommend the Termi set up?
  4. Fog Lights or you mean the LED's the LEDs are very very good, Personally Crash bars are worth every penny too, I would get Givi Pannier liners I think, much cheaper.

    The one thing I want to add to mine is a tail tidy.
  5. I meant the standard lights are very good, they are LED aren't they? The accessory lights seemed a bit superfluous given the standard set up. Crash bars are a must have or possibly R&G bungs.
  6. Naa the LEDS make a big difference and very broad area solid light at night, the LOW beam is very good, high beam good but different colour :(
  7. That is good to know, tend not to ride much at night, cannot see to well at night, not enough light lol so these will help! Would they act as daylight running lights (DRL's) during the day or are they too bright to be used like that? Currently have some cree LEDs fitted to the Tiger XC as DRL's, they were a good addition.
  8. Firecat the day time light on the MS is actually very very bright at day time, people are always commenting about how they can see me behind even a long way back, So I have never bothered using them at day time.
  9. I fitted a full Termi at the first service on my 2013 ST last year.
    Best mod I have made on this bike, now at 6K miles, can't think of any negatives apart from melting standard number plate, solved by smaller version with reflective duct tape backing, and RHS indicator going black with soot, solved by fitting shorter Panigale LED jobbies.

    With the up map dongle, fuel consumption is fine (150 miles per tank, as proved on a fast 2.6K Euro tour this year), and the extra power/noise is awesome. Gets rid of the cat and troublesome (sticky) noise valve too, plus saves lots of weight. The centre stand lines up properly too, unlike the standard rubber bung on the cat, No issues with the standard panniers either :)

    I prefer a proper Ducati sound compared to the standard Hoover sound ;)
  10. Thanks for posting, please forgive my ignorance but what is "the up nap dongle"?!!
  11. I declared my LeoVince decat and CJS remap and it made no difference to the insurance (Adelaide IAM) but in the event of a claim they would only replace with a stock exhaust.
  12. Thanks for the comments, much appreciated!
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