Discussion in 'Online Retailer reviews' started by ChrisH, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Hi Gents,
    I was wandering if you guys have had any experience with these guys and their products. I'm looking at a full system but would like to know what people's experiences' are before i throw a lot of money at them.

  2. Hi Chris,
    The guy who runs it is a guy called max (forum name pompone), he's a member of the UK Monsters owners club site. I bought some rearsets for an old bike of mine and they were excellent and fitted precisely and the quality was amazing. Drop him a message and let him know what you want. He does bespoke stuff as well!!!
  3. Never heard of that site - went and had a look - looks like some quality gear in there....
  4. I know Max personally and can vouch for both the man and the products.
    I've also visited the Italian factory where these exhausts are made, which is a family concern with a personal touch.
    And I know of a couple of satisfied customers in the UKMOC.

    You may find the need to fettle the odd sharp corner before fitting (if you're fussy, like me) but other than that you can expect a great product at a good price.
    Put it this way.....I'd buy one myself (if I wasn't already making my own custom exhaust).

    ps...they go an amazing colour once they've done a few miles.
  5. Those rear sets are very cheap/good value. Or are all other rear sets just very expensive/overpriced?
    I'd like a set of these Lightech for the SF but they're the thick end of £500.


    Can you really get good ones for £199?
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