Helping to getting disabled motorcyclist back into the saddle

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jul 26, 2012.

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  1. I've seen them before, it's such a worthy cause if they were closer I'd certainly offer to lend a hand.
  2. I've just offered my services to what looks like a good cause. I'm central to both their HQ and Castle Combe and as I have some time on my hands and know a fair few ex servicemen with bits missing/ not working what better way?
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  3. Dude, you are the man :upyeah::upyeah:
  4. I can handle a blast over to Castle Coombe, even though it's not local to me. I signed up as a potential helper as well. If it was me, I'd hope I could still enjoy biking so it's a good cause and probably a pretty fun day out as well.
  5. I'm disabled. Buy me a Ducati :-D
  6. issues dude, you have issues....
  7. I know. Like I said, I'm disabled. Difference with me is I don't whinge about it or ask for charity
  8. Your only problem is that you are an asshole.

    Rob - can we lose this individual please? His other posts have been all kinds of wrong... :mad:
  9. You say that my posts have been all kinds of wrong but I'm not calling anybody names or using bad language like you do in your posts. Your entitled to your opinion as am I. If you don't like what I have to say just ignore me.
  10. Wow yes that is spot on. Just goes to show there are some good people around. Bit far away for me to help but hats off to all that do.

    Count just ignore not worth your bother mate

    Regards Steve
  11. I don't think the disabled riders involved here are asking for charity or handouts, it's more the only way they can experience riding a bike is with assistance in a controlled environment, I wasn't aware of a whinging campaign by anyone to get free bike rides but I'll bow to your knowledge on this.

    There might be a clear difference between being disabled, getting on with it and looking to enjoy things like biking again versus having a pop on web forums - just saying....
  12. Count,
    I am with you on this. I meant that replying to that idiot just gives him more to come back at. We all know what is right so just ignore the bloke.

    Regards Steve
  13. What a great idea, just a shame it's so far away from me, but good luck to all those involved!
  14. Goodness, this is a boring forum. Might have to post a few nobcats to liven things up :-/
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