Panigale on M23

Discussion in 'Ducati Spotted' started by Kingfixer, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Spotted a Panigale on 30th July about 7am ish going north on M23 near Gatwick.
  2. black leathers blue 46 helmet?
  3. Don't know to be honest, only saw it at the last minute so didn't get a good look !
  4. Probably someone going about their business, no doubt.

    I saw a blue Golf on the A2 tonight, anyone??
  5. was it a dark or light blue golf ?
  6. Did you notice where the Golf had placed its tax disc?
  7. And was it out of date ?
  8. Think it was off to get new tyres wonder which ones :-/
  9. It was using a Renault cam belt and super sticky tyres that last 40,000 miles.

    I was slightly peeved, as he didn't wave or nod as I went by.

    Are blue Golfs faster than yellow ones?
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