What does owning a Ducati mean to you?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. I think you need to get out and ride a bit more.

    You are wondering about things too much, going by your latest posts you have started.
  2. Youre right and I will do when I chop the R1 in on Friday for my new Duc. Being new to the marque I'm just interested in how the established Ducatisti think and view things :tongue:
  3. El Toro good luck with the bike ....
    im quite happy being a girl :)
  4. Yup - left ear while driving, just a steady whine, like a wheel bearing is on the way out...:biggrin:
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  5. And we are happy you're a girl too :wink:
  6. Lol your terrible
  7. In all honesty im proud of mine despite all the flack I get..,
    I felt bad the other day as someone said oh look at my bandit you'd love it ,.,,

    I heard this snobby voice in my head saying "meh it's a bandit" am I terrible?
    I'm not snobby at all!!!

    But mine have that little something.
    When I hear one my ears prick up and I grin:)
  8. Me too aomething about Ducati that makes you feel special when you pull up near other bikers, probably a bit snobby but i dot care!
  9. There is something to it. I always thought Ducati riders were snotty, and they were; back in the day you had to be pretty well-to-do just to buy one. Now every bugger's got one, even me!
  10. You have to be pretty well-to-do to have a bike now. Full stop.
  11. Suppose your right, expensive hobby! Well it's a hobby for me only use it when weather cracking flags!
  12. I agree. My bike is just a spring/summer/autumn weekend toy
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  13. Pleasure and pain. Pleasure every time I ride and look at it, pain everytime it has to go back to be fixed. First Ducati; perhaps last Ducati?
  14. What does a Ducati mean to me?

    1) A cause of wonderment....IE "Why the F did they do that?"
    2) Grazed knuckles.....
    3) Burnt arm (the right one, underneath the forearm just front of the elbow........getting to the balance screw, laying on my back)
    4) More wonderment....IE "What if?".....meaning where can I get so and so from, in case this one breaks?
    5) A shed full of parts and spares, based upon "What if?"
    6) People saying "what a lovely bike"...........when they really mean "WTF is an old b******d doing riding a motorcycle?"
    7) Always wondering "what the hell was that that fell off?"
    8) Wonderment again: "Why the hell did I buy it?" particularly when you find you need some sort of special tool to work on it......I suppose it found me.
    9) I could go on....I usually do......

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  15. massive grin factor even just sat in garage looking at it makes me smile
  16. As the expression has it, "If you can't stand the pain, stay off the Ducati".
  17. My GF thinks I'm weird because I sit in the garage and have a cup of tea with my bike...:eek:
  18. I always have a smoke with the 1098 in the garage after a good ride, just sort of stand there and look at it for a while :biggrin:
  19. Ah, it seems you are doing a sociology thesis.

    I sold my R1 for a 998 many years ago. You will be hooked on Duke's, there is no way back.
  20. Really hope so because I've lusted after one for years and although in the early years of wanting one it was the price that put me off, it was just the poor experience with the dealers six years ago that stopped me buying one sooner.
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