1200 Pikes Peak....i'm On My Way,

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AirCon, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. 47 & 3/4 and I'm like at kid on Christmas eve....

    My brother is being are real dude and taking me 180 miles to where Glaciers still roam free, AKA north of the wall.
    I think I may just pass Heathrow on the way back and see if anyone is at the Box...must show off the new toy.
    • Like Like x 7
  2. Ooooo check you out :)
  3. I never really liked Multi's but I must admit - that look nice :upyeah:

  4. Try one they are fun
  5. I don't think I'd go quite that far ;)
  6. Very nice indeed :) I have had my 1200S 4 weeks and 2500 miles and the only thing upsetting me is that I didn't buy one years ago :(
  7. Couldn't resist a PP eh?

    So, what's happened/going to happen to the old one? - and are you gonna leave this one as is or have you made an appointment with CJS yet?
  8. Bella motocicletta.
  9. Best looking version imho
    • Like Like x 1
  10. :upyeah: ACT a brilliant choice I have to say, one I am hankering after I must admit, but still want to get a few more miles out of my 10 plater, before.............:Bag: :Bawling:
  11. Very nice, glad you're sorted :)
  12. Dudes,,........... Uber smiles........can't stop to write msg.....still flying. ........
    OK 250mile in 3 hours (sorry officer I meant 4 hours)....smiles per mile.....too many....I think I've been reincarnated as Boris Johnson with three cocks.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I shall look out for you when passing heathrow
    I will look for the beaming smile and 3 cocks on the tank :)
  14. Only one on the tanks - the other two ride as saddle bags - until he see's you that is ;)
  15. copy cat
  16. I'll have to get a Penny for the Pillion....Doh...already have an Emma :Bag:
  17. Congratulations on the new steed :upyeah:

    You'll have to come and show it off on the next rideout, maybe mid October?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Loving it.
    Rides like an electric version of my old one.

    Just transferred the Ohlins steering damper and fitted the proper pikes peak screen.
    Rear pegs now have the hangers for the luggage.
    Most of the safety stuff transferred.
    Next session will be stuff like Twat nav, heated jacket and battery tender stuff..Major tank off etc.
  19. My new Steed is just 11 months old.

    And just found that the exhaust butterfly is corroded in the open position, but no fault code.
    This is due to the Bowden cable being just rusty enough to make the servo think all is ok.

    Ducati warranty are going to fit a whole new exhaust!!!
    Me thinks I'm going to buy the Termis whole kit.....:Woot:
  20. That exhaust butterfly valve is a real nuisance!

    Lets hope they come out with a better version on the next model...
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