Panigale 1199 Clutch/gear Problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by abe1098, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. My 1199 has developed a problem trying to get into 1st gear when changing down through the box when approaching junctions etc...It also won't go into neutral unless I switch off, put it into neutral then restart it. Also once I have got it into neutral with the clutch fully pulled in and no throttle application the bike pulls forward as if the biting point is reached. It's a 14 plate and I have just covered 2900 miles, could this be a bedding in problem or something more sinister???
  2. Sounds like air in the clutch m/cylinder, line or slave cylinder. If there's no obvious leaks I'd suggest bleeding the system.
  3. That's good to know cheers. I phoned Moto Rapido this afternoon where I bought the bike from and they suggested the same as one of the possible causes. Hopefully it is something as straight forward as that and I would have thought it would be covered under warranty?
  4. Please keep us up to date with what it turns out being?
  5. Yep no problem. I've got it booked in with Moto Rapido this Friday afternoon so will hopefully have an answer then:upyeah:
  6. Good luck mate. Hope it's simple :upyeah:
  7. sounds like the clutch slave cylinder mine did the same and they have replaced loads under warranty, its a straight forward simple job, the slave cylinder sticks and grabs,
  8. That would also make sense cheers jimmy 43. I just hope it is under warranty as yours was? I would have thought it would be!
  9. 14 plate will be under warranty mate, even if not mate oberon do one for about £100 it gives a lighter clutch feel as well if you want that, and come different colors , demon tweeks have them in their mag,
  10. Awesome cheers, I will have a look:upyeah:
  11. loads on ebay as well type panigale oberon clutch slave cylinder:upyeah:
  12. All fixed thanks to great service at Moto Rapido:upyeah: It turned out to just be air in the system which needed bleeding, she changes beautifully now:)
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