749 999 and generic Ducati model trick bling parts for sale

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by Sharpy_G, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. hi again thats cool. I can see the new price from your pics but have no idea on second hand value !! so to stop me offering you £20 and you cracking a rib in laughter ill ask how much you want for the pair..thanks
  2. As per above matey
  3. oh right sorry i was only really interested in the front two .. but if you will take £150 inc postage for the three ill have them ..
  4. Yep, that's fine mate :) G
  5. Sweet if you have a paypal account give you E-mail address and ill send the money now ..pm if you don't want people to know.lol
  6. SOLD ! Thanks
    thats all items in this post now sold, cheers
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