1200 Manifold Studs F##k

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by tenbellys, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. broken stud in manifold. about 7mm remains sticking out can this be extracted , is it a reverse thread in the head or is it a drill out at the dealer job . god i hope not....... any one had this issue help required
  2. Many many posts - one just last week...
  3. If you can get this type of extractor on the 7mm that is left...

  4. Then use penetrating oil for a day...
  5. Then heat it with one of these around the stud - go careful as they burn to 1300 degrees but are extremely accurate with a small flame...

  6. Use the extractor and it should budge - works for me every time so long as you can get purchase - if not you're relying on getting a good grip with mole grips using the same method.

    Extractor kit are cheapish unless you borrow one of course. The torch should be less than £20, maybe cheaper.
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  7. Failing that, a "thread doctor" will be able to resolve quite easily.
  8. called my local ducati dealer ...... fairly honest guy he said FUCK. its hard not to panic when u hear that .... lol cheers
  9. Is there much "meat" in the cylinder head around the bolt (too lazy to go and look)?

    If so and the extractor fails, just drill out and helicoil it - did it a few weeks back on my GT750, bit nerve wracking, but worked a treat.
  10. I had the same problem. File the top of the stud flat, centre punch, cut an Allen key in half and hammer it in to the stud which you have drilled so that you have to force the Allen key to cut its way in. Then use a spanner on the Allen key. The process of hammering the key also acts to free the stud. Penetrating oil and heat can also be used.

  11. theres a fair bit of meat yeah . but i have real fears of it all going horribly wrong . local engineering shop says he will look at it worth a try dont fancy my heavy handed tactics on Italian casting ekkkkkk
  12. get a 6mm nut welded over the stub, then undo.
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  13. Disconnect the battery....none of the black boxes on this bike are cheap!
  14. SORTED . back to loving owning a ducati once again ;-)
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