St4s New Immobiliser, Still No Start

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Petrusotto, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. 2001 St4s immobiliser problems
    Hi there,

    I have a 2001 St4s, owned it for 4 years and it has never been a good starter. recently big service, the dealer found corroded ignition wires which should improve the starting. well, it became worse and the bike went back. it was the immobiliser. new one was put in . £400 and it went well for 2 days and then again exactly same symptoms. it would fire up, just 1 bloop and dead.

    fed up with it. I read a lot on the internet about the red key and all that , now I am totally confused

    Does anybody now a good garage South of London, or in London, who can do this properly?

    I am sure this subject has been discussed a 1000 times here, but I just need a name or address who can fix this


  2. Give the loom a serious check, in particular the large connector. This is prone to corrosion and broken connectors. Replace your relays.

    The immo box can be junked by disabling the immo in the ECU. Compare notes with Tim Scrivens on the forum as he has also had immo problems.

    At the moment we have got an ECU for the later 2004 bike (where the immo is in the clocks) working with his 2001 bike. I think a mod to the fan wiring is required to get that working. Tim should be able to advise what he did.
  3. thanks ChrisW,

    Interesting development, after reading hundreds of forum posts, I thought I'll try the red key. (had no idea what it was for until recently). tried the black one first, no starting. Put the red key in the ignition (didn't turn it on), opened the throttle for a while and then tried the normal starting procedure. It started! Could not believe it, unfortunately it was 23:00, so I turned it off (neighbours)
    Will try it with the black key tonight

    to be continued......
  4. Sounds like you just need to reprogram your black keys in.
    Google for the key programming procedure as it's pretty straight-forward.
  5. Something like this maybe?

    Ducati Service bulletin with details of the immobiliser and ECU functions errors, red and black key functions and key programming.
    From Ducati Service Bulletin #20014
    Subject : Immobiliser MY2001 M900S4
    1. If trying a new immobilizer unit, use only the RED key.
    As soon as one of the BLACK keys is programmed the immobilizer unit will be permanently memorised.
    2. If trying a new ECU, use only the black key.
    As soon as you use the RED key the ECU will become permanently memorized.
    Programming Immobilizer Control Unit
    • Insert red key into ignition switch and wait for at least 30 seconds.
    • Turn the key to on. Led light will turn on.
    • Allow the led light to turn off and turn ignition switch to off within 1 second.
    • Remove the red key, insert a black key and turn the ignition switch to on within 15 seconds.
    • Allow the led light to turn off and turn ignition switch to off within 1 second. If additional black keys need to be programmed, repeat above.
    • Remove black key, insert red key and turn ignition switch to on within 15 seconds.
    • Allow the led light to turn off and turn ignition switch off within 1 second.
    • Allow a minimum of 30 seconds before you turn the ignition switch to the on position.
    • To check for proper key storing insert the red key after 30 seconds. Turn key to on and make sure that the led sends a 0.7 second pulse and then a series of pulses as the number of stored black keys, including the red key.
  6. That's the one - start with the Red key and make sure you do the programming sequence to the letter!
    Also, keep the other keys away from the bike (ie, not all on the same key ring!) so as not to interfere with the aerial.
  7. Bingo! did as described above and the bike started at once with the black key. again it was late ,so no test ride yet.
    will let you know how I get on!
  8. Good stuff - the best fixes are the no-money-spent ones :)
  9. well.............replacing the immobiliser did cost me over 400 quid, so not that cheap!
  10. It may well have been duff in the first place as they are notorious for failing.

    If you buy an immobiliser unit (which iirc are about £150 from Ducati) then it comes blank and will need programming - which is what you've just done.
  11. It probably was, but why did the new one work with the black key when I took the bike back from the Ducati garage? (they installed the new unit) It started 2 days, then suddenly the same symptoms as before.
    I will mail the garage and ask if they actually have re-programmed the system.

    Thanks all for the support so far.....
  12. Nice one mate, glad to hear you are sorted.

  13. finally took the bike for a test ride. no problems. it has never started so good (garage also changed some corroded ignition wiring and did some other adjustments)
    So, I am a happy ST owner again, pity the weather has turned so bad

  14. Meh, don't mind the weather.

    I've used my 4s in all weather for the last six years and apart from a lot of corrosion, having to clean the brakes at least twice a year and salt eating everything and ...

    wait a minute ...
  15. It is def. an all weather bike, but somehow where I live (Surrey near Dorking) the rain makes the pothole covered roads extra bad with all the flooding.
    did a 5 day trip in Normandy last year, rained every day, but somehow it was ok. (roads are better too)
    having an old Tenere for short and to work trips
  16. this is the one , with seat alternative nr. 3 . having a Corbin(for sale) as well, didn't like it IMG_4120.JPG
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Very nice zorts hangars! And of course, the best colour for the 4s.
  18. Totally agree Ascalon, this is the reason I fell for the bike (..and my girlfriend wanting to ride with me)
    btw. is there a touch up paint for that color on the market? found some, but not sure which grey they mean. some call it Senna grey or titanio grey or grey mat. Confused.
  19. Dunno, the only one who seems to have the right paint code was a German supplier I found but it is trade only.
  20. well. it didn't last that long. nice trip Sunday morning along the A24 to the coast. Refused to start and same symptoms as before. Left it, train home and picked it up with trailer. I assume its back to reprogram. Maybe I should carry red key with me at all times (when using the bike)? Anybody else is doing that?
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