996 Clutch Lever (brembo) Removal Problem

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by gotland996, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Hi All,
    I am trying to remove the clutch lever (to remove a stubby pazzo (?) short lever and replace with a Brembo full size lever) on my Brembo clutch radial master cylinder set up. I can't find a way of removing the span adjuster and retaining pin and transfer it to my new lever. There is a slot head screw visible on the underside of the retaining pin that the threads for the thumb wheel go through, but this will not turn. I have wound the span adjuster knob fully both ways and fiddled about to no avail. i also can't see how the threaded plunger arm thing is removed from the master cylinder. is it pressed or screwed in. Iv been buggering about with it for ages, any help would be appreciated!
  2. This might help... I changed my 998s levers a couple of months ago and the clutch completely threw me - from what I can remember there is a tiny miniscule allen bolt headed thread that fixes the slot head screw tight that you mentioned.
    This miniscule allen bolt headed thread needs to be loosened/removed before you can completely unscrew the slot head screw.
    Sorry I cant be more technically accurate with terminology, once I found the allen bolt headed thread and removed it (plenty of wd40 needed on mine) I was kicking myself about how quick it would have been if I had known about it in advance!
  3. That's really helpful, could you tell me were to look for this tiny allen bolt ?
  4. Without taking my lever off I honestly can't remember! I'll have a look when I get home if you don't find it.
  5. Here is pic of one on underside of my 998s.

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