So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I suspect her of borrowing a ratchet for her friend and her picking this up instead and then staying coy as Ive spent a bullseye on another.
  2. She is obviously quite "hands on" then?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. why you got a black eye?
  5. thats a leading question
  6. wife give you a slap? for falsely accusing her of leaving the wrench in the boot when you know fine it was your self packing it away in hurry during that last rain storm, and you know it.
  7. Listen to Pete Mac1950 above. Leave proper lawyering to those who couldnt get on the bar. The only Barr you know makes Irn Bru.
  8. Perhaps wifey is secretly fixing up the Horlicks youre making of getting the camper van usable - so u can both go away in it before youre 95 years old.

    She is engineering your Xmas prezzy!
  9. Ive told her the bus will get welded as soon as I get a dry weekend to run him down to the shop.

    I'm caught in a quandary on that one. The spigot the fuel line connects onto the fuel tank broke when I changed all the fuel lines from the oem brittle fire risk shite to nice new safe lines. I had only a smidgen to fasten the new fuel line onto. But to remove the tank to fix it, i need to remove engine ffs. But I am going to risk the drive as now its safe from spontaneously combusting and will only leak onto the road if it falls off. I can just pull over and re-attach and repeat everytime along the way. Ive budgeted about £6k for welding and respray. Then I can move on to the oily bits once the chassis is done. I'd weld it myself but I dont have the space.
  10. what a load of popy cock is this post for real and good luck with that. bon apite by ra way.
    sorry dude couldn't help it
  11. Sorted insurance for the new bike.
  12. Half-year appraisal at work. Much as I expected so that's good.
    I was asked however why I don't want to be on the on-call rota ... hmm ... a few extra quid per month and in exchange, work owns my ass of one week in four, 24/7. Soooo tempting :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 1
  13. All easily fixable with a torque wrench - as wifey will demonstrate to you.
  14. WackyWednesday.gif
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Just been making yet another bracket for the frame... never ending!
  16. Got home tonight and walked into the lounge .

    "Have you ever seen a twenty pound note all crumpled up?" asked the wife.

    "No," I said.

    She gave me a sexy little smile, reached into her cleavage and pulled out a crumpled twenty pound note.

    "Have you ever seen a fifty pound note all crumpled up?" she asked.

    "No," I said.

    She gave me another sexy little smile, reached into her knickers and pulled out a crumpled fifty pound note.

    "Now," she said, "have you ever seen 30,000 pounds all crumpled up?"

    "No," I said, intrigued.

    "Well, go and take a quick look at your Lexus in the garage."
    • Like Like x 1
  17. I've just been chastised by swmbo for apparently telling truths to my daughters in law.

    I can't do right for doing wrong. I'll never understand wimmin :Banghead:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. you've reminded me of the benefits of being honest :-

    At a job interview.

    "What would you say was your greatest weakness?"


    "I don't think honesty is a weakness."

    "I don't give a shit what you think."
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. aye, but some truths should be left unsaid. if only for a quiet life.
  20. Took a 250kms detour on the way to work. Good view of Fuji-san from Toyo Tires Turnpike.
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