Those Of You On Facebook, Can You Do Me A Favour Please?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. You know which buttons I like pressing ;)
  2. Facebook: you don't get dragged in!
  3. Just two more to get to 600 - please like and share :)
  4. is this still draggin on...?

    come one everyone, do it another ten times each, just like 'lines' at school.
  5. You don't do FB do you? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. not that i knew what that meant of coarse.
  7. Handy :)
  8. so i'v been told. :Angelic::smile:
  9. 96 to go now :)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Just 90 to go before the 1st December - C'mon guys help an old fart out :)
  11. right that's one of the boys at work just liked it, so that's another one you owe me.
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  12. Unless he's got an Italian name then it hasn't registered yet and I don't believe you ;)
  13. yip, has it just dropped by one?
  14. Nope - it's gone up by two. Only 80 to go!
  15. Shared with friends.:upyeah:
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