1200 2010 Multistrada Panniers

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by crazybob25, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. I have a 2010 Red Multistrada 1200S and I'm looking for a set of panniers for it.
    Preferable colour is red, but others considered.

    Many thanks
  2. Hi Crazy Bob
    I have a set of red ones....never been used....
  3. Just bumping this to check and see if anything out there.

  4. You can buy the painted in fill panels separately, so if you see a good deal on the panniers in any other colour, dont miss out.
  5. Just checking again to see if anyone has a set of panniers for 2010 model. Free time coming up so some serious touring to be done in Europe.......
  6. There should be some kind of law brought in to prevent something as ugly as that being bolted to something as lovely as a Multistrada?!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Agreed, I have the Ducati ones (black on black bike). I do take issue with the fact that I placed one down in the garage and 30 seconds later it rolled onto its face. Now have white scrapes all over one corner. Way too precious for a pannier. I'll have to get my black sharpie out :upyeah:
  8. That would be the exhaust side one at a guess?
  9. Agreed, I have the Ducati ones (black on black bike). I do take issue with the fact that I placed one down in the garage and 30 seconds later it
    Other one actually. I kind of stood it up rather than laying it on its back. It felt secure but must have been teetering. Just pissed me off how easily it damaged the shiny paint.
  10. I have an immaculate set of 2 RED panniers from my 2010 model for sale.
    Let me know if anyone is still interested. I'm building up my posts to allow me to put them on the for sale forum :)

  11. Hi. Do u still have the panniers. If u drop drop me a line. 07427 445834. Regards. David
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