not a bad idea.. would be a good months worth of empties i didnt have to carry out to the bin... (at least for a few weeks)
Well, Monday is Dec 1st, so thought might as well get the tree up now. I like Xmas decorations - in people's homes. I don't like them much in shops where they are just trying to get you to buy more stuff.
Just been told the old pretend tree isn't going up this year and when her who is never obeyed gets here from Prague I have to buy a real tree, dam :Sorry:
I really think that people tend to spend too much time and money on buying presents, decorations and food, without giving sufficient thought as to exactly why we are celebrating the birth of Santa.
I don't know about you, but I'm celebrating the birthday of one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians who ever lived - Isaac Newton, born on 25 December 1642. One of Britain's gifts to the world. And he was real, not mythical.
i do, if it wasn't for isaac there would be no gravity, where would we all be then? i am scared of heights.
I give more of a shit about Isaac Newton than I do about Jesus Christ and all those other superstitious bullshit religious claptrap that all seem to 'believe' in. There is no jesus in a son of god context. There is no God. Get over it. You buffoons. I laugh at you silly people with your tinsel and your eggnogs.
Crikey, its not like you to gob off in an opinionated manner.... Steady fella, you might offend someone. But not me you understand....