P****d right off!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SimonT, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Correct, old debate and in towns its safety related but as others have said, its revenue generating.
    In Lincolnshire, they tend to also stick to the easy target areas.
    Being cocky (and in my car), I stopped to ask them about the location they frequent. It was a copper and he stated they could part anywhere he wanted, giving me a smug grin and sliding the door closed. How can they expect to be treated as normal folk with awful attitudes...

    And, no, I don't have points on my licence, I respect the Police for what they (generally) do but its all about attitude and some* appear to get a power kick out of this kind of things.....imho

    *sure a generalisation, but like bikers, we all get branded if there are a rogue few amongst us.
  2. I wonder if they know what it is to be constipated for a fortnight?
  3. I'm not anti cycling as such, I'm more anti the attitude of the majority I see. I am fully aware there are some very sensible and responsible cyclists out there who deserve full respect. It's those who weave dangerously through traffic without as much as a glance to see what's coming up behind them, totally ignore traffic lights,pedestrian crossings etc who need to be targeted. If the police were to start a campaign and fine the above cyclists there would soon be an outcry, but why should they get away with it? This is just my opinion and I'm afraid I don't have any figures, just what I see on tv. Don't get me started on caravans, they should be banned FULL STOP IMHO.
  4. I doubt you'd notice the difference. Took them 2 days to attend my mate's place after a break in while we were on the premises. He told them that next time it happened he'd be phoning in a shooting instead, and that no doubt they'd be there a lot faster for that.
  5. Any one know a good motoring lawyer. Have beed advised I could be looking at minimum 6 points or maybe a ban with a hefty fine?
  6. You won't get a ban for 70 in a 50... unless you're on a lot of points to start with :eek:
  7. A ban for 20 mph over seems unlikely
    this gives an indication that you could be looking at 3 points and £60 unless you've been very naughty in the past 3 years
  8. I've just read the post again.....and he doesn't say he was doing 70mph, he says the road went from 70 to 50mph, so doing a hypothetical 90mph on the 70mph road might not be too bad but when it was actually a 50mph stretch.....maybe it is!
  9. Clean licence at the moment.

    78 in a 50 zone.

    100 yards behind where I got caught it was a 70 limit.

    At the time I didn't notice the change in speed signs but going back to take a look the signs are pretty obvious.
  10. I'd be surprised if its more than an SP30 with 3 points and £60 fine to be honest.
  11. perhaps they should make the signs bigger?......................sorry couldnt resist.....:tongue:
  12. You need one of these mate...:biggrin:

  13. Or brush up on some of these handshakes :wink:


    Chin up bud, you win some, you lose some. Don`t make it right though.
  14. What really pisses me off is how frequently you hear of people being prosecuted for speeding, while the general standard of driving is absolutely shocking. I'm currently commuting 130 odd miles every day by bike and see SO many incompetent twats who are clearly a danger to other road users, but I fear that they always get away with it. And I won't even start on mobile phone users who are totally oblivious to any other road users :mad:
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  15. Like people say, wrong as it is there's little chance of change given the fact nabbing speeders (regardless of location, conditions, appropriateness, etc.) will always be an easy way to be seen to be fighting crime and improving driving standards.......

    Personally, I think EVERY driver and biker should have to sit an advanced test to get off green L's (to be given after passing the equivalent of today's test) and have 2 years to do it. Then the same test as a retest every 5 years

    Revenue generation, improved standards, less motorists (fucktards would probably not pass - hooray!). I'd be front of the queue with my retest fee if I thought this might become law. We'd probably save the retest fee in fuel costs alone over the 5 years by never having to stop start or be stuck in congestion (when 4-wheeled)
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  16. I speed like the best (worst) of them! :rolleyes:

    However, whenever I hear of someone complaining about traffic offenses I just think of my 3 young kids and how I'd feel if one of them was killed by someone taking risks for kicks (which IS what we're talking about). If you get caught, man the fuck up and deal with it!
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  17. Agreed - I've seen two parcleforce van drivers driving whilst on the phone in the last few weeks.. :mad:
  18. its not us its the rest of em.............
  19. This is where the speeding brigade see their argument get a little flimsy. Speeding 28 mph over in a 30/40 - like Kenoir says "man up" take your medicine. Once we are talking outside of urban areas, then it is frankly nothing other than easy targets. like nicking tramps for vagrancy instead of clamping down on "professional beggars", just so they can be seen to be fighting crime.

    As for sitting on motorway bridges.......that’s a special sort of fister if you ask me. Unless you're doing a ton in thick fog or rain, motorway bridge cameras are just lazy policing.....
  20. I wasn't taking risks, I thought I was still in a 70 zone. In was on a dual carriage way surrounded by fields not riding through a built up area. I have since found out that until a couple of years ago it was 70 but they reduced it due to accidents on the round about.

    And your kids shouldn't be playing in the outside lane of a dual carriage way!!!
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