A milestone was reached today when I managed to bend my leg enough to get a sock on.Doesn't sound like much,but for me,a major boost to my mobility and optimism.
I shall soon be doing John Cleese walks.I just have to sign on at the 'Ministry for silly Walks'.Last time I did the walk Mrs Mervyn told me off.mind you it was on the pavement outside our house.
Well done mate! I recall how excited I was when I managed to walk to the post box (~100m) and back without a stick!
Mrs Mervyn has plenty of motorcyclesat the moment.But on days like today I can plan/daydream about bikes and what to do.However Mrs Mervyns mother said I should have a motorcycle for being a good boy:Angelic:. I think a bit more daydreaming is probably best for the moment. I keep looking at all the bikes that are around,modern and classic,lots to dribble over.But then again I have yet to reach the stage where I can start riding again.
I will soon be on my best behaviour:Angelic:Visitation this weekend from my daughter and her partner.