No 400 SS Juniors ?

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by tricolore, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. You seen where the red line is :Jawdrop:
  2. The noise at 11,000 rpm is one to behold
  3. That's not a million miles away from me, but at that price it might as well be!!
  4. soz about ressurecting an old thread but are the 350/400 physically smaller than the 6/7/900? and what sort of money do they go for
  5. nothing wrong with that bodg - try the search engine first (although I won't blame you for giving up quickly) as there are several threads on them. They aren't a lot different to their bigger brothers as far as major components go. I saw a 350 for sale recently but that is a hugely inflated price at over £3k. To give you an idea I sold mine for around £850 3 years ago which was a bargain but wouldn't have realised a lot more.
  6. thanks ill try the search,in italy there seems to be quite a big variance in price but as i cant read italian i dont know if theres a ltd edition that explains for the more spenny ones.
  7. Loads in Australia in good condition - so far away/so expensive. I've said it many times but they are little gems - if you are not in a hurry and intent on enjoying the ride then it'll suit you fine.
  8. I hAve an M400 which is the same engine .
    It's buzzy and fun.
    Same size bike as M600 monster .
  9. I think there's more 400ss bikes then my monster.
    I don't like caning mine but it will do ok if needs to :) .
    I am always looking for another gear !!!!! It's like a buzzy bee.
    Have not been out on mine for ages :(
  10. I'm lucky that not only have I got a 750ss in the shed but also a 400 junior. The 750 is a 91 and the 400 is a 92. Size and weight wise there is very little diffrence. There is photos of the two in the photo area, that 350 was for sale near me and it was 6 times the price I paid for my 400, although it was an 850 mile round trip to pick it up. Cat your not far from me, we must get these 400 together when the weather is better??
  11. Sure that would be great !! Got to re MOT it :(
  12. So have I, got two to do!!
  13. Never ending !! I don't usually let my MOTs run out but my car has been a total nightmare
  14. So has our car, and its only a year old, bl##dy peouget's. I let my 750's run out as it needs belts and things doing and its sound like a spring job to me when the weather is warmer, too cold to be in the garage at the min. The 400 needs belts too thinking about it, going to be a long spring.
  15. Mines ok for belts just needs MOT and lowering still !
  16. I drive a VW v5 petrol guzzler it's shocking but I lovely car to drive makes a nice noise !
    Exhausts gone :(
  17. Where's it gone??
  18. Up the creek :)
  19. It was exhausted
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