For Sale Ducati 999 R Titanium Sub Frame

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by Ducati worx, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Ducati 999 R titanium sub frame for sale, open to offers, excellent condition

    999 rear subframe titanium.jpg
  2. Why would one replace a lovely aluminium alloy frame with something 1.6 times heavier?
  3. Looks nice to me, perhaps as a conversion for a Bip to mono?

    How much is the lowest offer you'll accept?
  4. Titanium unit is lighter than the same ali unit.....

    @Loz make me and offer?.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Thinking. Will PM you if I come up with a figure :)

    First thing I have to consider - is the frame compatible with my '03 S biposto ...
  6. Ok no problem,, it should fit it's come off a 999 R 03 model
  7. Very nice.The only ones I was aware of was from a well known company called NCR.Think the NCR ones cost a small fortune as with all there stuff.
  8. Ducati Performance made these as well (part nr. 979000155), but that one looks like an NCR unit.
  9. lovely tig welding :smile: ( compared to the usual shit mig stuff )
  10. Is it made from thinner wall Ti tube?
  11. very light, very strong and very non corrosive .
  12. Yes, but to make it lighter the tube wall must be thinner, assuming the outer diameter is the same as the aluminium item. Just intrigued to know if that is the case.
  13. don't forget the material can in itself be lighter ( as is aluminium , but al is not as strong for given dimension )
  14. Wasn't the ali one prone to cracking?
    I know the 916 one was...:rolleyes:
  15. Have Jerry's ti one in the garage, along with an ally one. Will get a weigh in on each, time permitting.

    I know there isn't much in it by holding them up.
  16. The titanium unit is slightly lighter but so much stronger..
    Do we have any takers?..
  17. I think that was the Bi one
  18. If it would fit my 916sps id be all over this trick and rare part.Surely someone will snap this up but doubt its bargain bucket prices.

    So is it a NCR item?.
  19. More than likely an ncr item, they are commissioned by Ducati to make their parts"
    I have two so keep one sell one..
    Not cheap, no, I'm open to a good offer, I think they are £800 new not sure..
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