it is supposed to be easy,, can anyone offer any advice on how to remove the two small fasteners underneath the fairing,, they just seem to want to go to round and round without loosening,, there seems to be a rubber bit on the inside which is going round with the screw,, how does it come apart,, i dont want to break anything ,,,,plzzz... afterthot,, should i / could i just loosen everything alse and let the whole fairing down onto the floor then sort the two troublesome ones ???
Sounds like the 'wellnuts' have seized. A real PIA when it happens. You can get a pair of pliers on the back of them to hold the nut through the rubber. Then undo with the right size Allen key. Always apply copper slip to these to prevent it happening again. Edit - cheapest place to buy replacements is you local 'Nut and Bolt' company.
ok yes Chris that makes sense , that is what seems / looks to be happening,, all i can see is the rubber but guess there is a nut inside that,, well at least now i know what I am dealing with it should be doable, ramorra.. ta Rod.
Here's what they look like. You need to screw the bolt right out to release the fairing. You might not be able to get at the front one with pliers to hold it if it's turning. I had same problem and unfastened everything then me and my lad carefully lowered the whole fairing and he held it together while I worked on the seized well nut. If you don't have 2 people you risk the fairing halves falling apart and breaking the lugs the well nut sits in. When you replace them as said use copper slip and stainless bolts.
cheers Nev,,, as I said in a prev post I was thinking of lowering the whole lot and trying to get the rubber bit from the inside,, but guess that is a dodgy course, gonna have to be careful,, looks like new bolts / fastners will be req anyway, maybe just nut and bolt with plenty rubber washers,, thanks for advice and photo mate. R
Another tip is to use a small mirror to line up the well nut with the bolt hole when fitting the bolt it's a bit tricky at first but the mirror will help
fook me mate,, today when I was trying to get these off it did pass throo my mind that they were going to be a bitch to replace !!
TT. Once you have new well nuts , copper slipped stainless cap head bolts it's a 5 minute job to remove both fairings once you get the hang of it. It's a good bit of design. Have you tried using very long nose pliers , with your hand inside the fairing,to hold the front well nut still?
I don't even have long nose mate let alone very !! anyway there is not much room in there, the Termis take up all space and more,, tomo I will lower it down a bit and that should give a bit more clearance,, fitting the new fastners would not be the problem,, getting the bloody things would be,, in Aberdeen Ducati bits are a bit rare !!
As @CRYSTALJOHN says the 749 fairing is really easy to remove once you get the hang of it. Not quite as easy as my 996 but child's play compared to my 1199 which takes around 30mins and is as fiddly as f**k
Rod Think I've got some well nuts in the garage. PM me your address and I'll pop 2 well in the post as a Xmas pressie