Or here is another option for the OP for 996s/998s money.These later testastretta bikes seem the bargain of the ducati world at the moment and you get a lot for your money.Even the R models aint to badly priced considering ive seen 06 R xero rep models going for same price as bostrom rep 998s on ebay at present. DUCATI 999S RED | eBay
999R's have been pushing £14K recently at dealers - a red one and a Fila both going up for £14K and being sold within a Month. The Xerox on Ebay recently at £10K was a Cat D. Agree the 999S is good value.
A 748R is on my shopping list but not at the moment (unless a bargain popped up). My preference is for a standard one, was just interested what the going rate is currently...
996 sps for me, nice spec, especially if you can find one with full carbon, I have my eye on one at the moment for 10k. 998 had the slab sides, everyone is different I know, but I'd prefer the shape of the earlier models
I've owned both 996s and now a 998. Personally I prefer the look (side fairings) and noise of the 996s but.... Much prefer the handling and smoother power delivery of the 998 and would definately choose a 998 over a 996S.... Although I would still like to have another 996S as well in the garage!
I remember watching the fast bikes video on 996R and 998 models (maybe dream twins 2) which they had on track for test rides.They also stated the 998 turned in much better than previous slower turning 996 models.Not sure why. For me I prefer the flat side fairings and ventless 998R style seat units but much prefer the rawer sound and character of the desmoquattro motor compared to smoother testastretta . Skip to 0.40 and they all sound nice with surround sound and base box turned up.
Had a 996 and adored it, stunning looking, loved her but pushing into her 15th year I wanted something that looked as good (IMHO) but modern performance. Got a 1098s and that is stunning...the performance difference is light years ... But I do love to see a 916/996 ....awesome