The petrol stations are missing the biggest and cheapest marketing trick in the book. You'd couldn't buy advertising like it cheaper..... At 12:00 today start selling petrol at 99p a litre. There losses would be tiny compared to the cost of advertising air time they'd get across social media and general media.... Being first here (to £1)....wins. You saw it here first.
Another one to add to the ignore list. Wonder if you can block people from posting on a thread you create
I'm not sure what you mean by "in a mess", since you don't say, but you seem to be implying that for a currency to go down to a lower level against another currency is a bad thing. Why would you think that? Bad for whom? So do you think that for a currency to rise to a higher level against another currency is a good thing? Again, why?
Well if I was going on holiday to America for example I would like 5 dollars for every pound I exchanged.
Yes, but at that exchange rate if you were running a hotel for Americans on holiday in UK your custom would disappear - and you might think that was a bad thing.
I know a couple of people that play the currency game so that when a foreign currency becomes worth buying they do and then wait for it to go the other way then sell and make a couple of quid
They wouldn't loose any money as it should be less than a £1 now anyway! My little diesel does 70 to 80 MPG
The Euro isn't in a mess, it is the Euro Zone that is in a mess; the Greeks and others are being sacrificed to the Euro.
I hope the Greeks drop out of the I found some drachma in an old suitcase. About 12,000; so can I buy a Panigale or just fill the tank?