Scumbay Ebay Sellers Trying To Make Money From Charlie Hebdo Tragedy....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by imbloodyskintagain, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. How much!
    Really, some people!
  2. sad thing is, some stupid prick will pay...
  3. Why didn't I think of this....:Greedy: :Greedy: :Greedy: :Greedy: :Greedy: :Greedy: :Greedy:
  4. Because you obviously have higher morals!
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  5. Surely, only someone actively searching for Charlie Hebdo stuff would see these auctions?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. If someone is stupid enough to pay it good luck to the seller it's how businesses partel operate everyday. People are paying forty odd quid for Guy Martin beanies on Ebay they were still available to order for thirteen quid when they were paying over the odds, a fool and his money!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Price is coming down.
    It will soon be the cover price plus postage.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. A publication of 60,000 a week pre incident to knock out 6,000,000 there does seem to be a little bit to be made. Would like to think that any money made above the normal weekly revenue would go to the staff families.
  9. Quite likely. In fact, very likely. They are pretty left-wing.
  10. western democratic Christian capitalist culture,, I thot you would all be congratulating the emprenorial spirit.
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  11. It is what it is.
    I can't think that anyone on Charlie Hebdo would have voted to have 12 of his colleagues killed in return for being able to sell a bumper issue. It's a bit sick to even think anything of the sort.

    All you can say is that some weird fortuitous silver lining has come their way, even if it's scant compensation.
  12. why would you think anybody thinks like that.
  13. Tidy Prophet.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  14. Well that had the sniff of irony to me... but maybe my nose is blocked.
  15. After 9/11 there were more pieces of the American flag raised by the fireman at the scene sold as genuine to make up dozens of flags. Unfortunately there are some that are only too happy to cash in on others disaster\misfortune.
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  16. We have free speech, we want to keep it that way, we also have a free market and the luxury of being able to sell virtually anything we own and ask any price we like for our own possessions, don't get me wrong here, I think this whole thing is unethical to say the least and that is where the crux lies in so much as I think you will find the vast majority of human beings will feel the same way.

    The demand will not be as high as these scumbags think and consequently the market forces of supply and demand will take effect and no doubt this sorry episode will disappear into the anal's of history. :Grumpy:
  17. Don't go mentioning the profit, although I must admit never hearing of the this one, what does he look like?
  18. not sure exactly what he looks like,, but he can usually be found hanging around wall street , gone are the robes and long hair, in come sharp suit and laptop in hand.,, preaching western democratic Christian capitalisim,,, you know the freedom one,, where you are free to exploit the vulnerable and they in turn are free to starve to death .
  19. I think it's immoral. But it is not illegal to be immoral, and the whole system of free market capitalism is based on the assumption that people can be relied upon to act in immoral ways. This why it works - after a fashion.
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