Heat Shield

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Toma16, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. No worries mate.
  2. I can ask the mechanic tomorrow, they are picking up my monster for a service
  3. No doubt they will load the Upmap on 1st service, thats the plan with mine :)
  4. the bike will be fast enough in stock form, just concerned now will it run lumpy
  5. Probably will but your only running it in and chances are it won't affect the bike untill it hits higher revs.
  6. I don't think it will ever see hi revs, so not a big issue then
  7. Really?? did you only buy it as a shopping bike? When are you fitting the basket then?
    A Ducati will be happier running around at 6k + Revs :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. to me if you've got a full system or cans then the up map should be in the bike, otherwise your fuelling will be out simple as ,, that's why theres an up map. you will do more damage without, and the bikes will have been thrashed in the factory before there released anyway ,
  9. Yeah the bike has the full system, that's why I was wondering with the fuelling, I can ask tomorrow when I pay the bill for the monster and I can see what shopping baskets they sell as well lol
  10. Yeah fueling will be out but not sure how that can damage bike.
    Mixture will be either slightly lean or to rich. I have never had issues with either or any damage done because of it.
    I wont be using your dealership, I have never known mine to rev the nuts of a new bike whilst in there shop and I have spent all day in there before now watching them fiddle with bikes.
  11. nah mate I was on about in the factory all bikes are put on a rolling road through the gears etc, not saying there bounced off the limiter but a bet there given quite a bit of stick, fuelling is important to engine life, and the most important part is the first few hundred miles when things are bedding in, not known anyone wi serious engine probs on a panni, ours get reved and the motors never miss a beat,
  12. Only done 100 miles on my 1199s :( hoping weather will pick up soon so can get it run in and system fitted plus couple of other bits on 1st service.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. I wouldn't worry don't think theres many pannis been used at the moment
  14. up map has been loaded, if you turn on your ignition and on the screen if you have Ducati EVO appears up then its been installed, if Ducati appears then its standard, hope I got the right info
  15. If it is a full system then when the upmap is loaded the dash should say race when the ignition is turned on.
    If it is only slip on cans with up map or new ecu chip then the dash will say something else.
    If you have only the standard cans then dash will say dependant on bike.
    848 - Ducati 848
    899 - Ducati 899 so on and so forth.
    or it might just say the model of your bike on the dash, I can't remember if it is prefixed with Ducati.
    Might have to check mine at the weekend as it is all standard at the moment.
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