I agree. It's a fringe problem now but with potentially horrendous repercussions for the whole world. The IRA confined it activities to a small area and was, in the end, pretty much contained. But a worldwide terror movement with a predilection for suicide bombing is truly terrifying. I fear we will soon learn what it's like to live in Israel and be under constant threat. As for solutions, I really don't know. I'd like to say education but, without a democracy in sight in the devout Muslim world, that seems a pipe dream. And democracy is essentially in-Islamic, as we have learned, because adherents have to submit to its every dictat - so that's unlikely to change any time soon.
Brilliant. Doesn't matter how many times I see it I still find it hilarious. Interestingly what do you think would have happened if they'd satirised the life of the Prophet? Would we still be laughing or rebuilding our bomb-damaged infrastructure?
Good spot! But complacently failing to notice an errant letter is unlikely to cause much death or destruction (except on the Ducati Forum, from tome to time!)
Actually, to be correct, you post should have read: sic 'too' - as that is what I wrongly typed. Just saying!
I've been really concerned for my safety recently living in an area with a huge Muslim population, I've had to visit a couple of local mosques several times in the last couple of weeks and they've forced me to sit with the elders & Imam and share their food and drink
You must also be our closet Zionist. I was waiting for the Israeli comparisons! Your loathing of Muslims is clear for all to see, your friends have probably had enough of it, now you have to spout your vile hatred on a tidy motorcycling forum? Have you nothing better to do?