Poppycock and you know it :smile: just take it on the chin ST we all make mistakes now and then or are you a spambot?
You do talk a lot of ... well you know. I don't loathe Muslims: I have Muslim friends and as does my son. They come round my house, regularly. What I do hate is hatred and blind obedience to cults - be they mainstream cults or otherwise. I also hold no brief for Israel and am anti-Zionist, along with some Jews you'll be surprised to learn. I was just making the point that it lives under threat of Muslim violence, as much of the world has to these days, as part of the debate. You don't know me, my background or life history so you'd do well to keep your personal poison to yourself. I am talking merely in abstract terms about the problems the world is facing. I am not abusing anyone personally. I leave that to those who are hard of thinking and find it easier to abuse those with opinions than to produce well-thought out counter arguments. Not saying that you're one of them - or anyone else here - but if the cap fits as they say.
The Latin adverb sic ("thus"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written") inserted immediately after a quoted word or passage, indicates that the quoted matter ... SIC - Sic et Non - Sic semper tyrannis - Sic transit gloria mundi I wrote too, wrongly, and it was that to which you were referring. So, sic too, not sic to! Sorry. Though strictly speaking it should have been: too (sic) I suppose.
How sweet, it's downvoted my post - oh bless you poppet, go have a kinder Bueno to make yourself feel better (remember to wash your hands first though)
Still poppycock - although there may be some form of etiquette that is used more often than not - there is nothing to rigidly dictate a right or wrong way of using or referring to the above term - you are just smarting because someone in your profession ought to be grammatically correct at all times but has been caught with his pants down : )
Not yet. But when Muslims are in the majority in the UK - 2050 according to statisticians-you'll be an apostate if you don't join in. Don't forget that it was only a few centuries ago that it was punishable by death not to be a Christian. We have come through all that. Do you really want to see that nonsense again? Think about it. Why do we even need to have this debate if it's not an issue? Do you think it's all a right-wing media plot? Tell that to the bombing victims and the families of those who died in 9/11. Why is the government looking into Trojan Horse Islamic schools? Why was a serving soldier hacked to death in broad daylight? Why are young Britons fighting and dying in a war for anyone other than the country that offers them education, protection in return for their taxes or pays them benefits when they need the These are important questions. I guess that where you live things might be different but I see the potential for a lot of civil strife in London as the demographics of society change and its that we should be trying to avoid. The government certainly is - but you have your own views and don't believe there is a problem and that's fine. I would fight to the death for your right to hold any view that allows others to a similarly misguided or divergent stance.
I actually take the trouble to engage and debate with a group called Muslims for Peace in order better to inform myself. You should look them up. Very informative.
I did that because my family and I have been supporting learning difficulties for 30-plus years but because you disagree with me you feel empowered to I insult me using the sort of negative stereotype that we thought we had succeeded in consigning to the dustbin of history years ago. You must be so proud of yourself. Well done.
More than welcome, and wouldn't care to know about your family as I couldn't give a feck fella. As for telling me what to do, forget it, wasting your time. How's that window - nice and sloppy by now I bet?
And you're not doing the same? Stereotyping the religion and its followers with your nasty rhetoric? Because they must all be the same as the lunatics committing atrocities in their name? :Banghead:
Don't think you're qualified to comment after such a fundamental spelling mistake. I am happy to put my hand up to being petty here and only continued in this vein just to try and demonstrate what could happen if we all followed your lead.
Muslims for Peace are a tiny offshoot of mainstream Islam, considered by even the most moderate of Muslims as heretics - they deny the most fundamental tenet of Islam, that Mohammed was the final messenger, by declaring their own turban clad lunatic as the final messiah. Very informative.
Enough guys. Just about enough. Leave it be, any anti thoughts being generated are anti speed triple. Haranguing the guy will not achieve anything.he thinks what he thinks and posts knowingly provocative rhetoric to incense people. Walk away, let him shout at himself.
Here we go again.......I've just deleted a couple of posts where members have started calling each other names. Please stop! I'll say it again........If you dont like someone or their views put them on ignore. Anymore shit stirring and schoolyard stuff and I'll lock the thread and start suspending people. Is that clear enough?
How can you ban people from an open forum? Its easy enough to create another account. Ie son of cranker.........
Did I mention the word "ban"? If you re-read my post I talked about suspending people. Banning would be a last resort. But if you want to test me on whether I can find "son of cranker" after I've banned Cranker V2, then try me.