Knowing how rare these screens are and how infrequently they pop up for sale I thought I'd flag this up. Saw these items on eBay and pretty sure it's the left and right sections for the DP Comfort Fairing. Don't think the seller really knows what they are: DUCATI ST4 2002 LEFT HAND TOP NOSE CONE FRONT INDICATOR FAIRING PANEL 1 CRACK | eBay DUCATI ST4 2002 RIGHT HAND TOP NOSE CONE FRONT INDICATOR FAIRING PANEL | eBay Both have some cracks but I imagine that's easily fixable with fibre glass and sand back I did ask if they had the centre plastic in-fill/clock surround but apparently they don't. Likewise neither the original screen but a replacement can be grabbed from a couple of places I found, though I can only find the 'tall' option. Nothing to do with the seller myself, and have been umming and ahhing as to whether to get them for my ST2, but I think I want to go a slightly different way with modifying the stock fairing. That and no clock surround kinda put me off a bit. Good as spares maybe? DJ
Afaik the screen and console surround are unique to the Comfort Fairing. I did find a replacement screen here: DUCATI ST4S COMFORT TALL SCREEN CHOICE OF COLOURS | eBay but they only list a tall option. I doubt you'd find anywhere that sells just the console surround, and without it the back of the clocks etc would be visible from the front I imagine. Unless you're a pro at fabricating something with fibreglass.... The same seller also has the headlight listed with the sticker on it: DUCATI ST4 2002 FRONT MAIN LIGHT HEADLIGHT GOOD CONDITION NO DAMAGE | eBay but a bit pricey for a stock headlight with something stuck on! That's why I thought they might be useful as spares rather than a change over else I'd have them myself DJ