Anyone managed 250 miles on a full tank ?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dave Multistrada 1200ST, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. I had heard and read in a couple of magazines that a 1200 Multi has the potential to go 250 miles on a tank full of petrol , Ive just been on a 1300 mile jaunt mainly on motorways and thought id try and achieve it purely out of curiosity
    I filled up near Bridgwater in Somerset and headed up the M5... Id already decided speed would have to be sub 70mph to be in with a chance , I kept it at 68ish as best I could for about 60 miles at which point my range was showing a further 300 plus still available , I know the remaing range drops dramatically in proportion to the milage acrued on the odometer but at this point thought id prob get the 250 easily , At around 100 miles covered my remaining range had dramatically dropped to a indicated 180 ish , the gap between the two figures was rapidly closing so I slowed a little to 65ish with a few 50mph sections thrown in due to roadworks etc , I eventually got up towards the south Preston turn off showing 218 miles covered with a theoretical range of 42 miles remaining , I was approaching a service station with the next one 28 miles further on , Decided not to risk it and pulled in for a fill up , It took 16.5 litres... so I prob could have, maybe have , just , eeeked 250 out of the tank with a few fumes to spare but this was not realistic riding , It was excruciatingly slow even for me who is not a fast rider as such.
    On the plus side I had averaged a indicated 68 mpg and from a 1200 performance motorcycle thats bloody good in my book!
    It was a dry day with a strongish cross / tail wind , 24 degrees and I had the panniers on with about 15 kilos of luggage in them
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  2. Best i have done was 175 miles, I did not fill up after a day out and sat in garage on side stand i am sure it was starting to cut out, that was saying 40 miles left.

    My Sprint use to say 200 mile range and never got over 170, did not want to drag all the dregs of the tank thro the filters.

    For my upcoming Scotland trip, i have taken a safe 150 - 160 mile plan between fuel stops, plus a syphon pump, my mate has a GS adventure" tanker" with a 33l tank.
  3. After a cock up with fuel on the West Coast of Scotland I arrived in Mallaig after the last petrol station closed with a range of 40 mls showing on the computer and the nearest fuel in Fort William 46 miles away, I made it with 9 miles still showing on the range readout. Waste of a bloody good road though :biggrin:
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  4. 215 best I've got. Really impressed with the economy.
  5. Hmmmmm. I dream of getting 200 miles and rarely get more than 170 miles before a fill up with perhaps 2-3 lts left.

    I have a Mivv Suono which if anything probably leaned the bike a little but I think it still runs rich. Riding with a friend who's had his ECU upgraded by CJS(?) there is no meaningful difference in fuel used at fill ups. A pity they don't have an economy engine mode for when you either need it or are on a long stretch of boring Mway or Autoroute.
  6. Well like I said , I was travelling at a very slow pace as I wasnt in a hurry and just set myself the challenge , I normally get the reserve light with my normal riding at about 150 miles
    I did average 55 mpg on another leg out of London to Somerset on M3 and then A303 riding at between 70 and 75
  7. That's an awesome road, luckily I filled up on Skye before we hit it, as the garage was shut when we got across - 2 of our group didn't and had to blag 5 ltrs of a farmer half way down that road
  8. Not sure if this has been asked before but has anybody noticed a difference when swapping modes down to Urban or enduro, ie down to 100bhp ?
  9. I did wonder this , I did my run on touring mode
  10. 100-110 miles max for me - 35 miles blast to and commute from work daily - averaging around 60-90 (mainly mways) and hitting silly speeds on 3 mile stretch just before work.

    works out 1.5 fillups on a typical 5 day working week x 4 x 25 quid per fill up = about 120 quid per month petrol

    could and should be a lot more relaxed about it and take it easy but always arrive at work and home nice n awake! bugs
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  11. Dave, kudos to you (I think!) for having the patience and self control to 'bimble' all that way up the M5 etc.........sounds like torture to me (hate m/way riding at the best of times so making best speed is always the priority for me!) - in my experience constant(ish) throttle m/way riding does give the best mpg though, min 80mph'ish for me wherever possible :D
    'Spirited' riding just eats the fuel!
    For me, 250 miles on a tank full.......NO WAY........200?.....extremely doubtful..........typically to date around 180 at best.

    Give me a shout some time, sounds like I'm local'ish to you ;-)
  12. No, and that fact is disappointing. High fuel consumption in full-fat mode is acceptable, in view of the excellent performance. But Urban ought to be "Economy mode" with much lower consumption. Ducati ought to be able to cure with with a software upgrade, surely.
  13. 125miles to fuel light then fill at 140-150. this is pretty constant whether riding with passion or not.
  14. 250 mile to a tank!!!!! If anybody has perhaps they're not riding it properly.....Its a Ducati, if you want 250 mile to a tank perhaps one should buy a Honda C90. I can only get 120 before warning light, I only ever ride in Sport or touring mode and have a full termi system. It would be nice to get a bit more milage out of tank but it's only marginally worse than the GS1200 about 130 before warning light.
  15. Here's a thing: my '10 1200s has typically been running on fumes by 190 miles - best I ever had was 215 when running in. I'm usually filling up at about 170 miles. Like all my Ducatis, the consumption doesn't go up much with hard use, even on track. However, I've just geared it DOWN (to 15/42) and consumption has improved, to the point where 200-220 miles is easy and I reckon that a legalise motorway trip would hit that 250 mark. The difference is that I'm now comfortably running one gear higher in most cruise situations, as the revs just sit above the point at which things get lumpy. Counter-intuitive, but most welcome.

    Update: Filled up on the way back from Croft today at 184.1 miles after a pretty, ah, spirited ride up the A68/M9/A84 - it took 17.2l, meaning there was about 28 miles remaining (display showed 21). So that's a fairly easy 200 miles and I had I been running with a tad more restraint, I'm sure I'd have got a lot further.
    #15 Technomad, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
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  16. Ive tried a few times to hit the 200 mile mark... I usually get 100 miles in and get bored, cane it and fill up 50-75 miles later. In wet I stick it in urban and I can believe that I could hit 200 taking it steady but 165-175 is about average but swiftly taken to sub 150 if your going some.
  17. On Sunday I had about 5 miles of very tight filtering with pillion. The average mpg during the bit was 30mpg
  18. Mine plummets in London filtering. I've had a full tank showing 60 miles range
  19. Quite scary isn't it!
  20. I do think that the ergonomics would still be fine with a taller fuel tank. Maybe an aftermarket one. I'd be interested. Bundles of room up front and I never use tank bags anyway.
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