For Sale 1199 Super Leggera Magnesium Wheels For Sale

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by samieb, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. Hello All

    I have a spare set of 1199 Magnesium wheels from a Super Leggera for sale. Will only fit on an 11/1299 Panigale due to the front wheel being a wider track than say a 1098 for EG.

    These haven't been used, tyres are as new also includes Brake Discs too. Looking for £2995 all in. You can't buy the wheels at this price, The Discs and tyres are worth about £250 each, separately. These need to be sold as a pair, so won't split them. Happy to consider selling tyres and discs separately @ £250 each.

    However these must be collected in person. Can arrange to meet enroute should this be helpful.

    If your seriously interested, then PM me with your email address and any other details so I can forward some pictures along to you.

    Many Thanks for looking.
    #1 samieb, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  2. 1098 owners could always convert to widetrack
  3. Not sure what is entailed with the 'widetrack' comment?

    Is there any way to get these to fit on a 2014 MTS?

    These would be soooo much cooler than the carbon wheels I was hoping to save up for.
  4. I don't know tbh, why don't you ask your dealer? My last recollection was that 10/1198 models were compatible and not the 11/ 1299.
  5. Id deffo contact a dealer with good knowledge as I doubt its as simple as just changing yokes.I maybe wrong but from my experience modding my ducati one change can lead to many others being needed.
  6. Do you still have the full set?
  7. Yes, wheels, tyre and discs.
  8. Could you send me a couple of photos please. Thsnks
  9. Hi Samieb, little bit to expensive for me after looking at the cost of the BST carbon wheels, I think im going to head down that route unless you will take an offer on the whole set? Thanks
  10. If it was my money it would be in the SL wheels, they are rarer and personally I don't like how big the rear hub on BST's is. Nice decision to have to make
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Mr C has hit the nail on the head here. When you takaway the cost of the tyres and discs the wheels are cheap by comparison. Think very carefully about what your buying, before you make the decision.

    I considered BST's too but the plagued me when I saw them in the flesh. Also a friend in the racing world warned me against them. Another had a carbon frame disintegrate on a push iron. So 3 people advising to look Magnesium again carbon, what does that tell you.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  12. It tells me you want to sell your But seriously I'm gonna sit down and have a think about which way I want to go before I make my mind up.
  13. TBH in many ways I'd prefer to keep them for the future, however if someone matches my offer I'll consider selling them. To note, I do have a number of other people interested in buying them too.
  14. Been using BST's for years, great wheels with no issues. Great looking, very well made and strong. Numerous tyre changes and no marks whatsoever. No idea why people diss them.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  15. Samie do you still have them for sale?
  16. No sorry. Sold them sadly.
  17. Thanks for the quick reply mate
  18. Thread closed
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