Off-road Motorcyclist sought after killing dog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Guido, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Hopefully someone somewhere around Aldershot may know this tw@t...

    He deliberately rammed his off-road bike into the dog whilst it was being walked on a lead, killing it

    The more that know about it the better
  2. that's very sad. The owner certainly has good evidence and I'd bet the KTM guys will be on this.
  3. I hope they catch the sick B*stard quickly!
  4. as above, i'm sure owner has submitted all to 'Crimewatch' as this is perfect for something like this.
  5. That's one sick idiot, I hope he's caught soon and gets hit with the maximum penalty, from reading the report he could even be charged with attempted murder!
  6. Should be strung up by his nuts, @rsehole!
  7. Hate to hear of things like this, its really depraved. Hope the little scrote gets what he deserves:mad:
  8. #8 Mr C, Aug 23, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  9. I'm glad we don't have some of the sort of dolts on the KTM forum on here.

    "Killing small woodland creatures for fun" - these people have nothing in common with me.

    Yeah, like a woman is walking her dog off road and someone on a bike kills it. She made it up - it didn't happen like that. Oh no, of course not.

    The guy is an arsehole, the scum of the earth. Anyone did that to my dog and there'd probably be another death. Not just bravado. The days my two bulldogs died were the worst of my life.
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  10. I used to use the KTM forum, the boys are there do take some getting used to. Its all close to the bone sometimes but once you see past the bravado its good fun. You cant just drop in to a forum briefly and make a presumption based on what will have been a jokey flipant comment.

    They may drop on here and say fuck me there are all dull as dishwater.

    Annnyway the point about hitting what would be quite a big and heavy object at speed and not coming a cropper yourself is a good valid point. Especially when the force of the impact sent a 30-40Kg dog 25 yards, yet the rider just carries on as if he's hit a mouse without damage to himself or bike.

    Ride at 60mph in to a 35kg sandbag thats stood up on 4 bits of 2"x1" and see what happens... You aint riding away from that. And why would someone just deliberatly ride in to a woman just out walking her dog, kill her dog and then just carry on riding around as if nothing wrong?

    Im sorry but IMO there is more to this story.
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  11. Take your point about forums. Maybe a hasty conclusion.

    As to why someone would do that, simples: there are sick people everywhere. Just because you like bikes doesn't make you sane, better adjusted or brighter than other people.

    KTM riders don't need to feel any sense of loyalty to the bloke just because he was on a KTM. Quite possibly a stolen KTM come to that.
  12. There might be more to the story but why didn't the @rsehole stop, according to your theory he couldn't have rode away? I'm sure your right, I wouldn't want to hit something as big as a german shepherd. But the dog is dead, why would the woman make up a story about a rogue biker! Even if it was an accident he should have stopped!
  13. I'm with MrC. I used to visit the KTM forum and they're a unique bunch. But not as bizarre as Landyzone - that is really strange.
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  14. I didnt notice any loyalty I dont think it would have mattered if it was a Yamaha, KTM or Honda you would still have been reading the same kind of posts.

    I think there has been some kind of altercation, If the place is known for off road bikes and this Lady does not like them clearly something more has happened a big argument maybe. The dog starts on guy, as guy rides off dog get caught up and run over causing internal injuries. Lady exagerets story to paint picture of rouge loonatic.. She's not making a story up there has been a Canine/KTM coming together but I think facts have been left out and others romanced some what

    Looking at the bike and from what I can see its quite a late model, these things are not cheap. So unless it is stolen why would anyone wish to potentially wreck thier bike
  15. You could be right, but it doesn't detract from the fact that he should have stopped, if the woman is trying to make out that the bikes are a problem this just adds to her case.

    That means you and me are tarred with the same brush!

    If the story is true and he managed to ride the bike away I hope he is caught, quickly and I hope he is dealt with properly there is no excuse for what he has done. He should be put in a pit with a pack of hungry German shepherds let them deal with him.
  16. The description of the collision does semm strange. 60mph straight into a very big dog and then carries on riding as if nothing has happened. Many years ago a friend of mine riding a GT250 Suzuki 2 stroke hit a Labrador at 30ish, The forks bent back 30 degrees from straight and the wheel buckled and then he fell off. I doubt that KTM is significantly stronger than that Suzuki
  17. That little sh1t is an animal. Pure scumbag and I hope somebody shows him the same disrespect for love and life. Sadly its just another argument against bikes and bikers
  18. Another with Mr C, more to this than reported. How come the owner wasnt injured if it was on a lead?
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  19. Maybe it was an extension lead!!! :biggrin:
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  20. 2 things here for all of you playing judge, jury & executioner:

    1 - Check your facts because the bike was stolen, the police have exonerated the owner, so the hunt for the off-road motorcyclist should be renamed the hunt for a thief
    2 - in light of 1, does anyone want to retract the prejudice towards KTM riders? Wtf happened to solidarity amongst bikers?

    Bike thieves are scum - especially ones that kill dogs. Doesnt justify calling all off-roaders and I didn't bank on bike brand prejudice on this forum

    Maybe some people ought to stop reading the daily mail.......
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