Off-road Motorcyclist sought after killing dog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Guido, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. I'm struggling to find any trace of brand prejudice or and evidence that a group (KTM owners, off-roaders or anyone else) in this thread. I see that the "owner" was castigated in the early part of the discussion by one or two, probably because it didn't occur to the posters that it was more likely that the bike was being ridden by a thief rather than the owner.

    So I guess that the unidentified owner is owed an apology by one or two posters from early on in the thread. I guess.
  2. Well even bikers can be idiots so solidarity needs to go to one side in certain situations. What MR C said still stays correct, finally it was a bloke on KTM forum who said he likes to ride over squirrels for BF or something along those lines. All biker groups have idiots and KTM forum aint making them self's much favour. However funny it is.
  3. Looks a little prejudiced to me - although to be fair, the comment was later retracted a little

    Irrespective, the press reporting is bad news for motorcyclists EVERYWHERE - regardless of brand

    Whatever your brand loyalty or views on some of the lively folks on other forums, incidents like this call for solidarity - the press should be made to retract the word motorcyclist and replace with thief. End of
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  4. Yes they do have idiots and this s**t ain't funny.

    By referencing this fucktard's post it only serves to create prejudice - however you want to defend it. That said, if you read the other posts it is clear he is trying to provoke a response

    As the saying goes, never let a small thing like the truth get in the way of a good story.....
    #24 Paul_o, Aug 24, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2012
  5. I have no prejudice towards anyone.
    But I found the KTM forum strangely lacking in sympathy, quick to invent all sorts of fictions to justify the purpetrator's actions, quick to question the dog owner's story. A lot of that has seeped over to here. And I found some of their remarks truly tasteless. If that's their idea of humour...

    I was also the first person to suggest that the bike was probably nicked. I feel no solidarity with the sort of "motorcyclist" that steals bikes and runs over dogs. In fact, I take people as they are, whether they ride a bike or not.

    I'm a big dog lover - doesn't mean I have any solidarity with the pit-bull owning morons who like to hang around inner city estates.
  6. I suspect that "hit & run" drivers and riders are very often illegal already and do not stop for that reason. Stolen vehicle, disqualified from driving, no tax/insurance/MOT etc. They may even not be at fault in the actual collision. The other party is presented with a golden opportunity to make up an account showing themself as the blameless victim, since the one who has run off is not there to contradict it. And there are people eager to rush to judgment and condemnation in ignorance of most of the facts, as always. From the stories published so far, I have no idea what actually happened or who was to blame. Who does? All I know is there are some sensational one-sided allegations which may or may not be true, and a dead dog.
  7. The loss of someone's pet is very sad - no question. Even more so in circumstances like this - BUT.......there is more to this than meets the eye IMHO. Consider these points;

    1- The "owner" has subsequently turned out to be "the thief". Covered this already
    2- Reports of 60mph collision, yet the rider managed to carry on. I've had some offs at 20-30mph that have nailed my bike for a while. 60 mph would at the very least wreck the forks - the rider would certainly not be able to ride off
    3- Why would someone randomly ride into a dog? I personally find that very odd. What if the owner had allowed the dog to run loose and it ran in the path of the bike? What if the owner had set the dog upon the rider?

    The reason the KTM lot are speculating in this (albeit in their rather brutal style) is because off roaders are always the subject of prejudice and criticism irrespective. For a perfect example, look for a recent program that was on BBC4 about peak district and off-roading. One of the items on this program was a bunch of folks living in a village near a green lane called Cherpit Lane. They decided to protest one day and the cameras were there to film it. The "poor residents" stood in the middle of said lane, which has three tracks tht are about 3 inches deep and were effectively obstructing the highway.

    Along come a bunch of KTM riders and they slowed right down but despite this there was a real hullabaloo from one woman an accusations of "he ran straight at me" which anyone who's been near a motorbike would know was bollocks as the bike was purring at tickover. Notwithstanding the fact that they wouldn't be able to ride out of the muddy grooves easily to avoid the villagers

    So set against this background of prejudice and mis-representation, you can see why the KTM lot are indifferent and have the perspective they have.

    When the full facts emerge, then we can all make our judgements. As Pete has summed up perfectly;
    #27 Paul_o, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  8. my wife put an interesting point to me: surely the dog would have been taken to a vet and surely the vet would have been able to see if the dog had been struck by a motorcycle?
  9. Once when I was at the Bol d'Or in the 90s, I was with a friend and we had with us the young (about 10 or 11) son of another friend of his. We went for a walk around the track, taking us through the Bacchanalian orgy that was Le Castellet on the Saturday night. Suddenly, as we were walking calmly down a path, a bloke on a crosser came steaming along, no lights and headed straight for us. I just had time to shove the kid off the path and dive the other way. If we hadn't, we'd have been toast.

    Is this indicative of motocross riders? Almost certainly not. But it only takes one idiot, and there are plenty of them about.

    Of course we don't know what happened. But if you are on a heath, walking your dog, on a lead to boot (and even if it isn't on a lead), the rider has the responsibility not to ride into you, whether he is trying to do it deliberately or not. We also know the bike was stolen, so I have no idea, when there have been other threads saying "hanging's too good for bike thieves - dismember them!" - why we are according the benefit of the doubt to some thieving scum, just because he has good taste in the bikes he pinches.

    For the time being, I'm with the dog-owner. Why would you make up something like that, even if you do embroider the story a bit - "did it on purpose", "60 miles an hour"?
    The least that would happen in a normally sane situation is that the bloke on the bike would apologise or try and do something useful if it was a genuine accident. And if he did, why would you make that bit up about him not stopping and continuing to ride around as if nothing had happened?
  10. there are definatley things that dont add up. As already said, there is no way on earth the bike was doing 60, I seriously doublt even 30. The thought a child on a stolen bike that he wouldn't be familiar with could control it well enough at 60 to actually aim for the dog is simply nonsense. the thought the bike could move under its own power after the impact is highly unlikely. the idea the rider would have stayed on is also nonsense.

    How about this angle... the dog owner was one of these country types who think they have the authority to tell others what to do, and thought she would direct her dog in front of the bike to create some anti bike feeling, expecting the dog to be hit and hurt, but not killed. cue sympathy votes, and a "must ban motorcycles" outcry. She miss judged and didn't account for the bike being ridden by a thief who was not going to stop regardless of the situation.

    just playing devils advocate, but how many grieving parents have turned out to be the murderer in missing child cases? it does happen.
    #30 philoldsmobile, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012

  11. I completely agree.
  12. What?
    You clearly aren't a dog owner. You don't put your pet underneath the wheels of a motorcyclist deliberately just because you are exasperated at having to share a heath with off-roaders.

    That is definitely the most stupid thing I've heard for at least a week.
    BTW, when you have to take your dog to the vets to be operated on and fixed up - guess who foots the bill.

    I'l be so interested to hear how this turns out - if we ever do.
  13. There is more too this story ......
    I had a cat run out infront of my car at 30mph .. I tried to stop but it was too late .
    The bang on my car .. If I'd have been doing 60 on a bike I'd be off.

    Now If I saw a dog being hurt I'd kick of merry hell .
    I detest animal cruelty and Dogs are right up top of my fav animal list .
    They are such loving loyal creatures.

    Now All they would have to do is get an independent vet post mortem it.
    I have had to get rats done with I depth reports so a dog hit by a bike at 60 you'd know.

    Oh any bike thief in my eyes is the scum of the earth not a biker!
  14. I don't see anyone accusing the owner of the bike, as far as I can see it is all aimed at the rider regardless whether he is the owner or a thief. If he is the owner he has brought disgrace on every biker if he is a thief he is the scum of the earth already.
  15. I am quite shocked that no one yet mention another possibility. It was the KTM owner but possibly not at 60mph, he stayed about for what ever reason until owner made a photo then he run. At home he realised what he did and phoned the bike to be stolen. No one ever said at what time accident happened and at what time bike was reported stolen.
  16. For what reason? You wont go to jail for running a dog over...its not illegal as such, and how would they prove animal cruelty?

    Its a shocking event if it was done on purpose and not for self defence or another potentially justified reason (cant think of any others!)
  17. What a f**king stupid theory - go check the facts. Specifically, the bike was reported stolen the day before

    Sorry if this rocks your Daily Mail fuelled opinion.....
  18. People react odd under pressure. Look at the dog owner 60mph, if he knew what bikers know.

    Do not read daily mail but You want to go to opinion find me where does it say bike was reported stolen a day before or did you get it from comments under the original article? Unless there is a new article?

    You spew the bullshit about not be living daily mail but your self do not accept a possibility you do not agree with. Again I did not see another article and on original one bike photo is from front so a how do you identify the bike with no plate?
  19. Will this do you?

    Like I said, get the facts - or would the next theory be that the owner orchestrated the theft the day before so he could go dog killing. Or maybe he did actually do it and had a time machine that whisked him back so he could get his bike stolen and cover his tracks.....

    The theories just get better and better!!
  20. Not really a fair comment really, is it. There are twisted people willingly submit their dogs into dog fights to get torn to shreds. Just because someone owns a dog doesn't mean they automatically protect it from harm.

    There are a lot of sick people out there who wouldn't hesitate to put their dog (or any other animal for that matter) in harms way. Just have a look on Google for examples. It's very naive to assume all dog owners are loving caring types.
    #40 philoldsmobile, Aug 26, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2012
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