Error Code

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by EarlMike, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Hi All

    I've just got two error codes come up on my Multistrada:
    37.3 - imbolizer (serial cable disconnected)
    38.0 - Can Line

    After checking all the connections etc... with no luck i decided to put the battery on charge over night and take another look this morning. Turn the key on and the amber light has gone and all working fine.

    Just thought I share the info in case anyone else finds the same problem. Try charging the battery first before wasting your time looking for loose connections! Now I just got to keep an eye on the battery to make sure it's charging and holding it's charge....
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  2. Just out of Interest had your bike been out in the rain or washed ?
  3. I had washed the bike the day before it occurred, but had been for a short ride between washing and the error codes. Why do you ask?
  4. Underneath the guard around the ignition switch is the imobiliser aerial and they fail quite frequently it seems they let water in and it prevents the signal to the key or vice versa and shows as an imobiliser fault. Yours will have dried overnight in the garage and the fault will have gone. memorise your overide code or save it on your phone. If you get caught in the rain use the code at least you won't be stranded
  5. Thanks Higgy, I'll save it on my phone :)
  6. not familiar with the overide code......I'm sure if I don't ask now next week I will need it.....could you clarify please
  7. I'm not familiar with earlier Multi's I don't think yours has one like the latest models 1098 1200 multis etc
  8. When new your bike was supplied with a code card to bypass the immobiliser. The one for my 999 looks like this

    Immo Card.jpg

    Immo Card.jpg
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