B**tards 998r Stolen E14

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by esfcandm, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Bike thieves need their hands removing,with a spade.:(
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. sorted for you....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. If a crime is commonplace, the police don't bother. That's counterintuitive. Surely if a particular crime is very common it would make sense to throw a lot of police resources at it in a compressed time period. It would probably net a bunch of small teams of thieves and remove them from society.
    If police ignore a particular crime, it increases the benefit/risk ratio and makes it more attractive to commit. If the chance of being convicted rises for the theft then the risk increases, and if the value of a hot bike decreases then you reduce the ratio to the point where crooks find another way of making money.
    Maybe kidnap and organ sale?
  4. In todays world......if you leave your pride and joy unattended, not locked, not strapped to anything, dare i say with access to the keys, insecure, what do you expect ........

    prevention has to be better than cure.......
  5. oh, along with accepting responsibility of your own little world too........
  6. Or the coverage on forums and social media made the sh*tbags realise that their potential market had disappeared. The sort of "if I can't have it, you ain't getting it back" attitude. Andy
  7. i dont believe jerrys 998 and 749R has ever surfaced?
  8. Oh no!!! :( :( I'm so sorry to read this
  9. I had a Diavel stolen in E14. There was CCTV but because the crime window was two-plus hours the cops wouldn't entertain looking at it!

    I tried to get the CCTV owner to let me look at it to me but he refused. So my question is: what's the point of CCTV?
  10. andyb,
    I've much appreciated your comments - thanks, but I did take responsibility for my "world". I haven't complained - merely sought to alert folks to the fact that a bike which most people interested in Ducatis would be interested in, had been stolen in broad daylight. The bike was standard because that is simply how I like my bikes and cars. I wish that I hadn't left it there, but I won't make the same mistake again. And the next one will have a tracker.

    Your separate comment re. Social Media also resonates with me. We went out on Facebook etc to raise awareness. My view is that you're right - the response we got made it too hot to handle. If I'd more experience of bike theft, I'd have put the reward offer out earlier - but I didn't, and when I did, I can now see that the bike had been already trashed. The whole issue is really upsetting - but as stated earlier, the next one will have a tracker, and I won't leave it where it can be stolen...
  11. Bad news was hoping a nice reward would tempt them to give it back via a third party.Not the brightest of thieves really this bunch.Probably took it for a off road thrash which is never going to end well on a bike like that.As others have said lets hope if they binned it they are now in a bit of pain or maybe a&e with a snapped ankle or wrist.

    Id look at the positives now.Bike is gone and not coming back so no need to stress or bug you for yrs wtf happened to it.It was standard ,mine would be impossible to replace with all the extras nevermind the labour.Hopefuly the sooner the insurance pays out the sooner you can move on and buy another nice ducati.

    When I said on the other thread they will probably dump it I was thinking in a alley or road like they did my old KTM.When mine was stolen localy I went round to all the local thieves I know (use your imaginations due to not wanting to incriminate myself) and low and behold the police got a phone call less 6 hrs later with exact location of a bike and I got a call saying it had been recovered abandoned in a alleyway.
  12. hi mate yep understood.
    The response wasn't aimed at you more at red square.....

    when you recovered the bike when you say totally trashed was it burnt? If not there must still be the potential to rebuilt resurrect.......if no claim made the bike could be put back to original with a bit of work???
  13. Hi,
    I'm afraid that it wasn't a bike any more... Just some twisted bits of metal which were starting to rust (I saw the remains piled on a wooden pallet on Friday evening - it was stolen, and I believe destroyed, three days earlier on Tuesday). It was in a shocking state. Basically, they trashed it, and then set fire to it. On close inspection, I could see the engine, and that the spark plugs had melted. The tank, and could make out the outline of where part of the DUCATI decal had been on it. Interestingly, the tank had a small round hole in the side of it. And there were sheets of black carbon fibre where the panels had lost their shape and paint in the fire. The forks were slightly twisted and the fork brace was broken. The most puzzling thing was that the front wheel (no tyre, obviously) was broken. Only about 3/4 of the wheel was actually there. In checking with ProTwins, they were surprised, and mentioned that those magnesium (?) alloys are hard to saw, let alone shatter. So, I'm not sure what happened to the front wheel. But I hope that it hurt. Badly.
  14. i am genuinely sorry and gutted for you, a rare bike indeed. sting em up by their nuts i say.
  15. Awful to hear the outcome, made worse by the fact the scumbags likely had no idea what they had stolen, like ordering a Petrus and adding lemonade!
  16. i quite like Petrus and lemonade.....
  17. Point proven :)
  18. if the fire was hot enough the magnesium rims would fizzle away. may explain the front wheel damage.
    hope your insurance company gives you a decent price for it. get as many listings as you can from dealers.
    a friend had issues with claiming for a rsv factory. he printed off as many overpriced adverts of factorys from dealerships. ended up with £200 more than he paid for the bike a few years ago:)
  19. good find mr c!
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