998r - How Many ?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by esfcandm, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Does anyone know how many 998Rs are left, both in the UK and globally ? Are there any "well used" examples out there, or are they all cherished/stored in heated garages or living rooms ? Thanks.
  2. One less since last weeks post regarding one being pinched in London and wrecked :(
    700 were made I think, no one will know how many left :)
  3. Thanks. I guess that that answers the "numbers" question. Any views re. usage ?
  4. In what way? The one that got kicked had about 30K miles on it I think the guy said. Most I've seen for sale have been less than 10K, most less than 5K.
  5. One owner on here im sure put 50,000 miles on his commuting and daily use then went and purchased another one to do the same.Nice to see em being used for a change.
  6. Ah, it was you, you didn't say :)
  7. Sorry Exige - I was curious. Do the bikes get used or not ? I'm clearly pretty peeved...
  8. Generally not I would say! Are you after another?
  9. That only counts bikes that have been licensed, i.e. taxed at the last count, there will be others on SORN and a good many that were race bikes to start with and have never been road registered I know of at least 1/2 dozen such bikes, so as FE says not worth the electrons it took to produce the page
  10. Exige - yes, I will get another. Seems like they're following the classic car boom, given the money now being asked for them (see other threads). Cheers.
  11. Ooops - that wasn't meant to sound like wanting to jump on the bandwagon and simply fuel inflation. My point was that they may become largely unaffordable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Started to create a thread on this topic and this suggested thread showed up...

    had a quick look on the "howmanyleft" website for my 998, out of curiosity, and if (partially) by the fact of only a limited number remaining, it would hold a certain rarity value.

    what sort of numbers are missed by this DVLA based check system?

    shows only 10 licensed and 6 SORN, which by the same website makes it rarer than a Desmosedici Rosso GP, and therefore should be worth upward of £50k! :tearsofjoy:

    Ducati 998S Mono-02 - How Many Left?

    joking aside, rarity factor does only partially come into play, and the old adage of "something is worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it" is the stronger factor. and I am sure there are some bikes on this forum that cost phenomenal amounts more than they would be worth on the open market (judging by the blinging (both cosmetic and functional)many of our bikes go through).

    anyway, back to the grind (AKA emails & phone calls).

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