Fuel Prices - Fall Like A Feather, Rise Like A Rocket!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. So with crude Oil dropping 60%, we've seen very slow price reductions (yes I know tax is a large item) which the oil giants justify due to all the forward price fixing contracts to create price stability, blah blah.

    Now that the crude price has crept up a little (still massively down at $50/Barrel) the prices immediately start jumping up. How do they get away with it; No challenging news articles, TV documentaries.....

    So why didn't they take out lots of low rate forward contracts while the price is down. Oh they did of course and it all goes into the profit pot. I just don't get it, are we all sheep now due to the dumbed down news we're fed?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Beats me, all the hype about sub £1 a litre fuel and never saw that round here, lowest price was 1.06p now back at £1.07 :(
  3. If you go down to the pumps today your in for a big surprise....Diesel back up at 118.9 round here.
  4. I tend to fill up at sainsburys, filled up last night cost me £1.16
  5. Scumbags the lot of them!
  6. And what happens when the government don't screw everyone for huge bundles of tax?
    Well, down here in the Falklands, where all the fuel has to be imported 8000 miles, diesel is currently 49p / litre.
    The local government have just signed a long-term deal with the company that imports oil, and to show good faith have dropped the tax from 2.5% to 1.5%. Just shows how much of a rip-off it is in UK...
  7. I think we all know that we pay through the nose in tax for our stuff in the UK
  8. Just wait, The Scots will hear of the price in the Falklands and want their diesel for 49p per litre too. The UK government will pander to them and the price of diesel in England will shoot up to £2 per litre.
  9. Always the same, gas and leccy bills too - there was a spokeswoman on the other week saying they sometimes buy 2 years in advance , hence the slow reaction on lowering prices, lying bitch :Rage: wire her nipples up to a 9v battery :Shy:
  10. and still manage to pay your pension. since you where 45.:smile:
  11. No they paid the pension from the age of 40, I just waited till 45 to retire.
  12. cant be easy son. :smile:
  13. He's been inconsolable since he moved to France. I can tell.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Nothing on the news about it just jimmy saville , Rolf Harris and phone tapping, it's as if we're being distracted
  15. Lmao, yeeeah :( I was actually having this conversation about bike prices earlier. Seem to remember bike prices shot up because the euro exchange rate was terrible a few years back. It's friggin superb now, soooo, does this mean my next Ducati is going to be suitably cheaper when I come to get a new one in the next couple of years.....
  16. Not bloody likely mate :(
  17. Heads, the Government wins, tails you lose
  18. you may know already that certain rural ares up here get a 5p fuel duty discount, well my local has just been included, i can now buy the good stuff cheaper than the pish at tesco. v.cool.
  19. Tyres have dropped I assume because of the Euro, PR4 Rear now a fraction over £100-00 for MS
    Petrol back up to over 1.10 Litre,
  20. Bloody hell at that price I can afford two tyres a year shame I can't afford the petrol to scrub two tyres in :)
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