A team of surgeons from Stellenbosch University in South Africa has completed the first successful penile transplant in the world, with the patient now having full use of the organ. A 21-year-old South African man was the first recipient of the transplant during a nine-hour operation in December, having had his penis amputated three years ago following complications arising out of a circumcision. According to the university, he has made a full recovery and has regained all function in the newly transplanted organ. The world's first penis transplant was a success - Science - News - The Independent I hope the photo in the above article didn't bear any resemblance to the transplanted member...
I wonder if the donor is deceased or still living? And if living, whether the donation was voluntary?
.....and......... ..........did they put it in the correct location or is he now a dickhead? BTW..........I assume the operation is called an 'Adadictome'
id be worried about the post op physio..... " Im your physio nurse....now we need to exercise to get some movement and strength back into the affected limb..... we have some specialist equipment.....
Is there a link that i could forward on to a few members on here. It would be nice for them to be reattached to a body and perform a useful function for society.
Would you want someone else's todger? If you don't want to touch it yourself there's no point having one at all.