1098 Or 848 Track Bike.

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Skidmark66, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. As title says please.
  2. Trackbike section on Ebay. Theres a 1098s on now. (not got link sorry)
  3. That,s the one.
  4. How big are your balls ? 848 lacks outright pace but has better corner speed. 1098 has straight line pace which means you spend more time slowing down. Only you know your ability and what you are capable of or want to be capable of. One will be fun and one will need to be grown into before it's fun - you make the choice. Andy
  5. Potential real bargain there.
  6. Why would the 848 have better corner speed?

  7. exactly.......
  8. 1098 your get pissed off with getting over taken down the straights all the time, ride in your limits and your be fine.
  9. Watching the 1098 on ebay. Don't know why but got doubts about it maybe wrong. Anyhow its too far away for me to view before buying. I never buy anything with a motor anymore of ebay because of problems in the past which I wont bore you with. With regards to straight line speed I know exactly what you are talking about I have the same issue with my existing bike. Just fancy something different going to look at an RSV4 Factory in the next couple of days. Thanks for the posts guys.
  10. The early 1098's had weak bottoms, I personally wouldn't touch an '07.
  11. the 899 cup next season has completely destroyed 848 track bike prices, making them a ridiculous bargain. I paid a silly price for my bike recently. TBH I was the major factor at Donny on it, not the bike, straight line speed with 138bhp at the wheel Twin is PLENTY for trackdays. If you're getting passed, it's because you're doing something not as well as the fella behind you, not just the speed of his bike.

    I truly adore my bike, it's just an absolute dream !

    LIke this for example.
    2012 Ducati 848 evo Race Bike / Track Bike | eBay

    and this

    2011 BSB Championship winning Ducati 848 Race/Track Bike | eBay
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. If you buy a 1098 a SS1000RR wil bum you on the straights, so better go buy on of those...:upyeah:
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  13. My 1198's got 170hp, and there's not a lot quicker even in a strt line even at Almeria !!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. my 748 is just shy of 170bhp too
  15. ooooh, must be a 748R thing, so is mine!
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  16. Any tit can go fast in a straight line stopping and cornering is the problem. Saw lots of that in Cartagena last week one bloke couldn't even make it past the sighting laps plonka. I just love v twins Ducati or even Aprilia come to that.
  17. Had a run on an 848 before i bought the 1198, Thats why i bought the 1198, 848 lacking that xtra grunt !!
  18. Carta's quite twisty what were ur lap times ??
  19. Sorry im to old and slow to get embroiled in lap times. I just do track days for the grin factor. Best way to describe my riding is I can hold my own comfortably mid pack inters. I like Cartagena a lot for that reason very twisty and lots of fun but the place is in need of some new tarmac its very grippy but very bumpy with a few pot holes appearing.
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