Clarksons At It Again!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by triari, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Should have given him a snickers

    You're not you when you're hungry
  2. Wonder how much Dave will have to pay for "The Lost Episodes".
  3. I liked lost at the start, but it just got too crazy, I mean I wanted explanations, and all I got was confusion!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. With the Clarkson/BBC spat heating up and his safe seat on Top gear looking tenuous, it could just be serendipity, but yesterday the Gods spoke and cast a darkness over the nation. If JC loses his job in the same week that UKIP announces a number of vacancies, this could be a match made in heaven. He's got all the qualifications (loud-mouth, entertaining white male bigot prone to verbal gaffes), and a million vote petition should see enough popular support to make him a a shoo-in at the forthcoming general election. JC in the Commons would be fun, but even better, it's parliament that controls the BBC's purse-strings! He could even share a lift to work from Chipping Norton with his mate 'Call me Dave'.
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  5. I couldn't care less. Didn't need to know about it, didn't need explanations. People fall out, have scuffles, make fools of themselves, apologise and move on, day in and day out. No injuries sustained, no complaints made and no charges pressed. Its life. There's no need for a Spanish inquisition, especially paid for with license payer's money.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Let's get the spelling right it's:
    "He does a lot of good work for charidee, but doesntliketotalkaboudit"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. While I DO NOT condone violence or attacks on colleagues, I also work in an environment with lots of blokes working in close proximity for long hours, and sometimes tempers fray, handbags are thrown, and 'fraca's' occur. If neither party wants to make a formal complaint, then the preferred choice when dealing with these cases is to take the parties involved into a quiet room, give them both a good talking to and bang their heads together until someone apologises, then get on with the job. Of course, if 'Management' get involved, it turns into a protracted farce that benefits nobody.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Next time punch em when no one's looking :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. sorry I was refering to 'lost' the series, but it seems my humour was maybe, err, 'lost'?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. I missed a great photo opportunity the other day?
    While clearing up space on my DVR I had the message "Top Gear failed to record for unknown reason-delete?"
    Maybe the machine is sending me a deeper message?
  11. All we know is....

    He's gone.

    Doubt the other two will stay on, Evans has said no publicly to filling the void.
    Cheerio £50 mill revenue per year Aunty...
  12. the only thing I really watched on tv. Motogp isnt even on there now. Im going to send the TV back. Arzoles.
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  13. Kin ell even North yorks should be able to get a conviction out of this. Shame they didn't work so tirelessly for savilles victims.
  14. What Clarkson should have done was ring up an elderly actor live on radio, jeer at him like a school boy and boast about shagging the man's grand daughter. He'd be an official BBC national treasure by now with a permanent seat on Question Time.
    #294 Gimlet, Mar 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2015
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  15. What an absolute bollock the BBC have dropped there.

    I've been listening to some deluded 'pc' imbeciles on the drive home tonight suggesting that the 'Top Gear format ' is bigger than any of the presenters and it will survive......... Do they even fucking watch the show?

    What a load of naive rubbish, there is no format without them, nothing.

    They're hardly presenters in the standard sense, there is nothing else to the show other than them, technically the only 'format' part that could continue in the same vein is a star in a reasonably priced car, or maybe the stig hot laps.

    Other than that they're fucking crackers if they think there's any mileage left in 'top gear'

    They may as well can the show and attempt something similar because it will never, ever work otherwise.

    I'm not a BBC director, nor am I paid millions..... But even I can tell you that.

    • Agree Agree x 4
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  16. The three of them will start again elsewhere perhaps :smile:
  17. I'm sure they will and quite possibly be given an after the watershed slot and a shed load more money to play with.

    It's an advertisers dream and will never be short of funds, once again proving that the BBC is a nice idea but fairly out of touch with today.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. All this talk of lost revenue is bollocks. I know more petrol heads who refuse to watch Top Gear in its present format simply because of the presenters and the scripted/tired/childish nature of the show than those who actually watch it. These are people that would rather watch Quentin and that goofy supermodel in that appalling classic car offering. A revamp of the show is vastly overdue and if done right will win back these viewers as well as retaining the majority of the Jezza sycophants. It will also hopefully have some motorcycle content which has been sadly lacking. The Twat is dead, long live the Twat.

    Whoever disagrees, downvotes or dislikes this post is a Jezza Sycophant and most probably a Twat.
    #298 philg25, Mar 25, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2015
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  19. Speaking only personally, for me Top Gear in its current format is no great loss. It had become dull and repetitive and although still vaguely amusing, the sheer idiocy of it had begun to grate on me. I thought it was better when there was a better balance of information and amusement. But lately, it's been about 5% information, and 95% entertainment which involved trashing any vehicle the team got their hands on, in the most ludicrously scripted fashion.

    Sure, I know millions of people liked it like that, but I only watched it if there was nothing else on and I fancied watching the TV. In that respect, it was more entertaining than most things, which I wouldn't bother to watch, but was by no means unmissable. I would have thought that if you can't produce a car programme, probably involving all sorts of supercars that no one outside the Square Mile can ever hope to afford, that would capture the imagination and viewing figures, then the producers themselves have no imagination. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. yeah, who cares, he could have easily as left of his own accord (or civic!) as you say, show needed a face lift.
    plenty more pricks to fill the small void. He deserves it, if only for spending 20 mins of the last show just crashing a peugeot, for what? keep the show, and ditch the pathetic sketches.
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