...semi-active suspension control unit? Unusual question fired at me that I'm unsure of the answer. Guy has two ECU/SCU's but not sure which is the upgrade semi-active suspension control unit - neither have ID/barcode stickers on them. One does have the Ohlins logo embossed on the front the other doesn't. Is there any way in the Dash setup/settings to know which unit is installed? (can't recall from when I fitted one) Thnx
SCU has more compression/rebound numbers from memory versus the original on the dash settings. Just checked the book - SCU fitted you should have 32 steps in the compression and rebound
Just checked the Owners Handbook for the OEM setup...............setting steps 1 to 32 ....so the same for OEM and upgrade SCU?
18 stanq Yes mate I did and here it is. Straight from the Ohlins manual. That said, here's a tip. Just set all to '0' in all modes and all susp' settings as the manual says after installation of the Ohlins. Let the SCU do its stuff.
Yep original OEM was 16 steps and the upgraded mechatronic is 32 steps. Set to 0 for automatic damping on compression and reblund?.
Thanks guys..........surely set rebound and compression to '1' for SCU auto mode ;-) Maybe I'm being stupid?!...... Marty - I did see that and didn't make sense of the chart - it says 18-32 'new' but OEM shows 18 - 32?? :huh!: Paul - The Owners Manual for the OEM setup refers to settings 1 - 32 but you say there are just 16 steps?
No you are right Andy, sorry I misunderstood that table also. Both have up to 32 steps on the settings, difference is that setting 17 when the SCU is fitted is equivalent to the OEM step 32 - so it can go softer still. I can't see anything menu wise to identify the SCU is fitted. Only way to check them is the physical look of them: