Nicked From D.u.n What Ya Fink?

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by finm, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. there is also a raynauds syndrome.:smile:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. It's one of the Fiennes brothers.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. It's like a game of blankety blank
  4. renuold turns out to be a rarity - stumped googlesearch..
  5. So it's not a cheap car tyre then..?
  6. It's a good idea because of the low donor prices but I don't like the way the frame has been done, especially that amputation nub, it needs some tubes cut out and new ones put in that flow with the bodywork.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Kinda like this Builds & Projects | Ducati Forum
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