Its the new cycling proficiency test. I done it at school years ago on a raleigh grifter, 3 speed throttle change
I had a Grifter (once I had grown out of my Tomahawk) .... the Sturmey Archer 3 speed was awesome! Also as it weighed 5 times more than all those loser's BMXs no one was tough enough to steal it. (Whilst I was Googling to remember Sturmey Archer I stumbled across this fella..... Servicing Sturmey-Archer 3-Speed Hubs I bet he knows a thing or two about 3 in 1 oil.... and what a nick name! Forget your "Too Tall" Terry Rymer & Shane "Shakey" Byrne)
Anyway, good luck with the test, make sure you don't forget to clean reflectors and ensure the bell works.