1200 Mud In The Swing Arm

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by vau, Mar 29, 2015.

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  1. I think you have to pay advertise to sell stuff on this forum (especially trade)....AirCon anyone?
  2. Well that solves a problem I didn't know I had!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. 12.jpg
    This is not commercial.
    It`s a solution developed by the members of the german forum.
    We upload the CAD File to a company who manufactors Rapid Prototyping Lasersinterparts.
    If you want one you could buy it there, if not you could leave it of course.
    We earn no money with it.


    Here is the Link to the thread in the German forum:
    Schwinge Einlauföffnung
    #4 vau, Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  4. Ride a bike, drive a car.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Not in Germany.:upyeah:...I think they missed the humour in my comment..:D
    To be fair his English is far better than my German :Bag:
  6. Its like a secret stashing place for documents!
  7. He will have the last laugh when you have mud in your swing arm
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  8. I recently discovered I couldn't adjust my chain. When I pulled the hub apart I found exactly what Reiner photographed above. I thought the hole was on the top and under the chain - I didn't disasssemble it far enough to be sure.
    I would certainly be interested in one of these. I reckon there would be a few people in DOCV who would also be interested. How do I get one or more?
    And Triari, all the Europeans I know 'drive' motorcycles. Listen to Valentino being interviewed. He is the 'driver' and the 'pilot'. Never a rider.
  9. Not any more :Facepalm:
  10. Here's the LINK @Frewy . Just had one made myself (I like the way Shapeways keeps you info'd all the way along from purchase to production to delivery) as I live out in the countryside and often find myself wading through all sorts of crap (literally) on the roads around my house courtesy of the farmers. For a few quid it's worth the investment imho.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Thanks Mark H... I'm not bothering at the moment. I have seen shapeways stuff in the past that is produced 'locally' using a network of printers in different countries. This one seems to be shipped from Germany and they say shipping is not until 15th April. My MTS is on the water right now and is due at Felixtowe at the start of May, when I will be there to collect it for a lap of Europe. I am unlikely to get the plug in time for my departure.
    I might seek out interest from others and lower the shipping component (which is more than the plug).

    Thanks for the info though... its certainly something that's needed.
  12. Following this discussion I was today working on my 748r and couldn't help noticing the swingarm on this bike actually has plugs. You can see them here.
    Cost cutting to keep the bike affordable?
  13. Phone post... Sorry. Won't let me post pic.
  14. documents.... yes documents
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. here is the pic....

  16. And here it isn't :)
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  17. This is the pic of my MTS hub - that's 60,000 kms worth


  18. Looks like a sandpit.
    To compensate for the weight you have to
    assemble much carbon.:Woot::)
  19. How about this drawing here... parts 29 & 30 appear to be plugs for the swing arm. My bike is being freighted... can anyone confirm if that's what they are?

    swing arm_parts.JPG
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