1200 Mud In The Swing Arm

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by vau, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Yes, these are the plugs in the swing arm. But your picture is not from the Multistrada.
    Look at this picture:

  2. Isn't that a completely different swingarm? 998?
  3. OK, that makes sense. Google told me it was a MTS swing arm. My photo earlier of my 748 suggests you are right... I hadn't thought to question Mr Google.
  4. Picture of the part in the swing arm:

    Swing arm_2.jpg
  5. I will be buying after I return from Europe - late September.
  6. Well ~ got both versions (2 each) as planned and one should fit.
    Got some MTS service and preventive maintenance work coming up and shall post pics once installed...


  7. Well, you have ordered one part a little bit to early.
    ( we tested the first version at the German forum, and then we
    update the Geometrie ). But both versions could be mounted,
    the second Geometrie fits a little bit better.:):):)
  8. I wish I could use CAD software... I'd have some great fun with things like this :)
  9. Its actually not too bad to have a go, I started learning (or rather re-learning, I studied Engineering at college but that was back when you had to type in all the shapes you wanted by hand) a few months ago when I got my 3D Printer.
    Try DesignSpark which is a freebie if you want to have a play.
    DesignSpark Mechanical » DesignSpark
  10. Thanks! I'm about to head to Europe for a 4 month ride.... maybe when I get back :)
  11. If I can help you, I'll help you.
    I need only a sketch and an indication
    what it is.
    Stress components can be manufactured in steel,
    the other components are produced in plastic.

    Regards, Reiner
  12. Maybe a bit of black gaffa tape would universally fit?
    • Like Like x 1
  13. So which is the latest design in those pics and do u have a link so I can order. I feel the hole in my swingarm and shouldn't need to dismantle anything to get it in.
  14. Bump this incase anyone didn't know bout it. I just ordered mine.
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