New Joiner From Brackley (nr Silverstone)

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by ZipcodeUK, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Evening, I've been nosing around the forum since I bought my 1098s SF about 18months ago but thought it time I actually signed up.
  2. Welcome.
    Loads of Nutters on here (me included).
    Mad a as box of frogs will be along shortly (a.k.a. @Ducbird).
    Our moderator is not entirely from this dimension, so he calls everyone Dave....I think it's his favourite channel.

    Remember it's adventure....before dementia....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. So, you have not been a Joiner for long?
    Welcome @chizel is a joiner too :)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Ahh yes, I have noticed a number of posts where he calls people dave and I've wondered if there were a lot of Dave's on the forum or if was a standard joke!
  5. hello and welcome. in time, you'll suss them all out.
  6. Welcome ! I like a bit of joinery myself.

    I wanted to do something special for the wife's funeral, and I've always been pretty handy at woodwork so I decided to build her a special coffin.

    I was really pleased with the result, but when I showed her, she just stood there screaming.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  7. Evening ZipCode. I am nr Buckingham so if you are ever interest in a rideout, happy to oblige if around. Ducati Aylesbury have an Ducati Open Day this Saturday. Perhaps see you there pm?
  8. Hey Bob, yeah I'm out loads at the moment as the weather is great so would welcome some other Ducati company. I won't be at the open day as I'm off to Oliver's mount tomorrow for the Spring Cup racing.
  9. Here is a pic of my street fighter:

  10. Here I am :)
    Bit late to the party again!!!!

    That's a rather colourful bike you have there zippy and you have a bit of pink ;)

    Welcome to the mad house
    don't leave it so long in joining your missing half the fun

    Now where are the locals I will round them up and take them back

    Enjoy :)
  11. I need a new door hanging. How much will that cost?

    And welcome Dave :)
  12. Are you feeling better ET
  13. Lol, it does look pink in the pic! But it's the same red as on the tank/ seat unit thankfully!
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Welcome from a fellow s owner. Yours a bit more, ermmm.... individual than mine though.;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Welcome mate, I am new here myself.
    That is a gorgeous bike :)
  16. ahem.... i aint dead
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. sorry.. and hello Jamaican dave:upyeah:
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