1200 DVT New Mts Dvt On Its Way

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Krumper, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Hi all
    I thought it was time now to register with this forum as I have been looking at the threads since January. I had paid my deposit for the new Mts.s dvt back then, just been into my local dealer and paid up for the bike so I'm completely committed
    They told me that bikes are in currantly being imported and should get mine in the next two-three weeks.
    It's my first Ducati and I have to say I'm proper excited,
    Bye bye GS hope I've made the right move !!!!!!!
  2. Keep us posted Krumper, will be good to see what the delivery timelines are like and if there are any teething troubles. I will probably move over the DVT when my PCP contract is up in 2 years time...well unless something spectacular comes out between now and then of course
  3. Lovely news. Do you have a mods planned? I really can't stop telling people how much I love my 2013 Skyhook multi to the point I need to keep telling myself to stop. I use the carbon low screen, and full termi system for just everyday small journeys. Ive never ridden a GS but Im sure you will enjoy the Multi. I sadly high-fived some random multi-rider who was next to me in the traffic one day.:Shamefullyembarrased::Shamefullyembarrased:
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  4. Just the touring pack for now, as for the gs it was a fantastic bike just want more power as previous to gs all I had was sport bikes namely r1s
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  5. Will do moocow, dealer said when I was there today that he's just getting the pdi,s in from Ducati UK so it's not long now for them to arrive HOORAY!!!!
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  6. Hi Krumper,

    What dealer is that? I called hyside today and they still haven't been invoiced for their demo bikes. Which normally happens around two weeks before delivery.

    Then the customers bikes around one week later.

    I'm going touring on the 23rd May so need my 600 service out the way by then!

    Also my 1st Ducati. Currently have S1000R so looking forward to the extra comfort without losing performance :)
  7. I got an email today from ducati saying the demo bikes will be in soon. Should get my dvt from On Yer Bike by the end of the month :)
  8. Hey fatfingers73
    My local dealer is manchester/Preston same company so I've learnt, I would have thought you should get yours easily before 23rd may btw Belgium have got there demo bikes in now... Damn and blast
  9. Thanks for that. Hoping for a couple of weeks before so I have time to run her in.

    Good luck with yours.

  10. Couple of weekend rideouts should sort it. Think I hit 600 when I got the 2013. Went to the Horsham Piazza Italia. Must have had an Easter rideout or something. Dealer is a 80 mile roundtrip!

    Manchester is the main dealership. I believe they are the first in UK and are THE retailer for Ducati apparel in the UK. All dealerships get their stock through them. So not surprised they get first news/dips.

    But I think the timetable is a bit more compressed according to my dealer. They were invoiced and had deliveries within days for the new Monster and 1299.

    I'm hoping for next Saturday...
  11. I hope you made the right move too. I just ordered my first MTS which is my first Ducati. I very nearly swapped my K1600GT for a new GS. Real close call imo. Had a tester on a GS and bloody loved it. Then had a tester on MTS and bloody loved that too. Bit more sporty than the GS but the new 15 plate GS had lots of grunt too. The whole owning a Ducati thing swung it for me. On the wait for mine and haven't heard a whisper from my dealer about when I can expect it. Got a bit of a tour planned to Scotland at beginning of May and would hope I have it by then and had the first 600 mile service out of the way. Seems there are quite a few of us waiting tick tock...

    Good luck with it.
  12. Popped into Ducati Aylesbury this afternoon. They were expecting their Multistrada DVT demonstrator to be delivered today - it wasn't. They also had it confirmed that there won't be a 2015 Multistrada available this weekend when they have a big open day which includes the Ducati Roadshow truck. Also, they said that Ducati aren't accepting any more orders for Multistradas until September. Glad I put down a deposit last November.

    No news on delivery dates for customer bikes, but I'm hoping to get mine in early May so I can have the first service done and get it sorted ready for a tour to Sardinia starting on the 21st May. I've ordered the Touring Pack (factory fitted) and the Urban Pack along with the keyless fuel cap and LED auxiliary lights. I probably will have to wait until June before 3rd party accessories become available, e.g. Evotech radiator, oil cooler and horizontal head guards. The only thing I'll need to to sort is a sat nav mount ideally over the clocks.
    #12 steveb123, Apr 9, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
  13. Wonder where that leaves me re the trade in? Not looking much like I'll have mine before I go to Scotland early May. Agreed the trade in with the mileage on and have racked up 500 miles since then. If I do the Scotland the bike could have another 1000 on it! Anyone know if they can offer me less for it because it has more miles on? The guy was saying it was high mileage to start with (14 plate with 5k on it at deal agreement and could easily have upward of 6k by the time the MTS arrives). Might give them a ring tomorrow to see if they have any news re delivery and mention the fact I'm holidaying on current bike.

    Ducati must have mega orders in. How many do they churn out each day I wonder?
  14. Probably One bike a day if they feel like it, and 14 espresso's
  15. there is this industry almanac they consult and it goes with year, mileage etc. Its not too unreasonable.

    Mine is just over 2 yrs with 30.5k on the clock....
  16. Let's not all get pessimistic here. The Winter Tour website says demo bikes at dealers on 11 Apr. Still couple of days to go!

    edit: From 11 Apr...
  17. I thought when the fella said the mileage on my bike was high that he was taking the piss a bit. 4,500 plus miles at that time I didn't think was too bad. I said to the bloke it's a touring bike and that's exactly what I do with it! The bike came out of the shed on about three occasions last year - all tours including one to Italy 2,500 miles. It's bound to rack up a few miles. By the way my BMW dealer offered me well over a grand more for the same bike if I traded for a new GS Adventure! That's a lot of wonga in anyone's book. Anyway I'll keep using the bike as I want and blame Ducati if they can't deliver my MTS on time. I'll argue the toss about the trade value if they try to change it.

    I wonder is the 11th April as a delivery date for demo's still going to happen then? Looks like there isn't many folk on here who have faith in that even. I do think it might help to give my dealer a bell and find out where I am in terms of a queue because mine will not necessarily be in the first batch. I think they already had some orders before I put mine in.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Spoke to my dealer today. He said my order is still an "open order" and obviously as such wouldn't give a delivery date or even hazard a guess. He did sort of expect it "might be April sometime" but my feeling was not to expect that and it would be a bonus if it happened. I reckon it will be mid May. He also said no date as yet for the demo's that arrive normally a week to ten days before the sales models. As we are now near the middle of April it's going to be touch and go for any April bikes in that dealership it seems. He confirmed no further orders for Multi's or Scramblers would be guaranteed delivery before September! So if you haven't got an order in the system basically you will be waiting until then. Popular upgrades to the new MTS it seems and the Scrambler at the price looks a real nice piece of kit. No problem with the dealership by the way, the fella is helpful where he can be. It's just the bloody wait arghh!!

    I did see on some web site that the factory can produce between 60 and 300 bikes per day! It's dependant on the weather for some odd reason (probably demand). That's a lot of bikes. It also said on the same web site that you can run the bike in as per the book as much as you like (ie gently) but before it even leaves the factory every engine gets totally red lined on quite a few occasions during the testing!
  19. No news from Scottish dealer yet...The wait continues
  20. Just heard from local dealer. They have received and email from Ducati stating all Multis are sold out until September, as are the Scramblers!
    Guess it will be a Monster 1200s then.
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