1098r Foot Pegs

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Richie Rich, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Wanted a pair of foot pegs for a 1098/1198R
  2. Think I,ve got some, let me have a rummage over weekend and I will dig them out.
  3. Nice one cheers
  4. 50620084.JPG Found them. Not in concours condition (boot marks on the heelplates) but yours if you want them.
  5. Thanks for the offer but I'm after the grippy ones
  6. No worries, I shall return them to the loft for the next seven years.:)
  7. Lol cheers mate
  8. Cheers Sam
    • Like Like x 1
  9. hunted out pics for you.....bike and pegs sold but best mod available......my feet slipped off old ones once mid wheelie and that was it for me. have you priced new ones ???????
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Manages to pick some up today
  11. 1098r pegs?
  12. great quality arnt they.
  13. Where did you 'source' them or did you have to buy new ?
  14. They are from my original parts bin Ian27
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